Belgian Science Policy
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Five wrecks located in Belgian waters have been sampled for biotic and abiotic data at different periods of the year. The meiofauna, macrofauna and epifauna of the wrecks have been studied by direct observations, photographs and sampling by divers. Slow moving sessile fauna has been sampled by scraping selected quadrats. Small swimming and/or nocturnal fauna has been caught by means of baited traps. Large swimming epifauna has been sampled visually in situ. Macrofauna in the soft substrates around the wreck has been sampled in situ by S.C.U.B.A. using suction dredger and cores.
The direct effect of beam-trawling on sub- and intertidal <i>Lanice conchilega</i> reefs and associated fauna will be assessed by means of an <i>in situ</i> experiment at Boulogne-sûr-mer. This database contains the experimental results.
Data gathered during BEWREMABI project sampling campaigns
Deze dataset bevat gegevens over populatie-eigenschappen van het hyper- en epibenthos, bemonsterd in het Schelde-estuarium, de Belgische kustwateren en de Belgische kusthavens.
Data was gathered during BEWREMABI project (part of SPSD-II federal science policy programme) sampling campaigns. Macrofauna was sampled in the vicinity of shipwrecks using macrofauna core + scuba.
Vogels (Sternen) en prooivissen worden bemonsterd op verscheidene locaties langsheen de Belgische kust. Vissen worden geteld en opgemeten. Vogels worden onderworpen aan maaginhoudsanalyses en lengtemetingen. Resultaten worden opgenomen in deze databank.
Data gathered during BEWREMABI project sampling campaigns
A world checklist of free-living marine Nematodes, compiled by taxonomic experts and based on peer-reviewed literature.
The abundance, community composition and species diversity of the nematode community at a station on the Belgian Continental Shelf is documented on a monthly basis. This study was carried out as part of a PhD thesis
Deze dataset resulteert uit een studie naar ecotoxicologische evaluatie van de effecten van hormoonontregelende stoffen die voorkomen in het Schelde estuarium op de endogene mysidaceeën populatie.