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Laboratoire d'Océanographie Biologique

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    A complete interactive database of all described marine planktonic copepods.

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    Soft bottom communities of the Bay of Blanes in Girona were sampled from 1992 till 1997 in the framework of two Spanish National CAICYT Projects analysing the regulation of the Biological Production at the Mediterranean littoral

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    The data is the integration of three different subdatasets i.e. the impact of dredging on benthic macrofauna (1979 data), comparison of macrobenthos between major European tidal estuaries (1991-92 data) and ecological monitoring of macrobenthos in an area affected by the effluents of a nuclear power plant (2004 data)

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    The main aim of the REDIT I campaign was to assess the geographical extend of the distribution of the polychaetous Serpulid Ditrupa arietina. Nevertheless, all macrofauna >1mm was identified.