National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics
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Phytoplankton monitoring in the Trieste harbour, close to an iron foundry (FERRIERA), in the North Adriatic Sea. Sampling during 2008-2014.
Microphytobenthos monitoring in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, 2013-2014 in the framework of the Italian flagship project RITMARE
Macrobenthos collected in the Po River Delta - North Adriatic Sea (RITMARE Project) in December 2014
Macrobenthos collected in the Po Delta - North Adriatic Sea in the framework of the Italian Flagship Project RITMARE in December 2014.
Macrobenthos monitoring in the Trieste harbour, North Adriatic Sea (Port Authority) in June 2013 and March 2015
Macrobenthos monitoring in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto in June 2013 and April 2014 in the framework of the Italian flagship project RITMARE
Phytoplankton monitoring in Grado, GO, Italy. Single coastal monitoring for water quality evaluation on June 2016. Shallow coastal waters in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea, in the Gulf of Trieste
Samples of living and fossil mollusca were collected in spring 1913 during an exploration along the coast of Tripolitania (western Lybia). The campaign was promoted by the Commission of the Italian Ministry of Colonies. Mollusca collected in the Mediterranean Sea in spring 1913, in particular along the coasts from Homs to the Tunisian border and at Tripoli and Capo Misurata. The spatial coordinates are missing from the original historical paper and were completed indicatively based on the coordinates of the locality after converting to actual name.
A regular sampling for the determination of picoplankton abundance at the time series station C1 in the Gulf of Trieste, North Adriatic Sea began in 1993. The time series station C1 was initiated by the University of Trieste, and was later taken care by the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Trieste after its formal institution in December 1979 and, since October 2005, by the Department of Biological Oceanography, now Division of Oceanography (OCE) of OGS, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale of Trieste.
A regular monthly sampling for size-fractionated chlorophyll-a analysis at the time series station C1 in the Gulf of Trieste, North Adriatic Sea began in 1998. The time series station C1 was initiated by the University of Trieste, and was later taken care by the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Trieste and, since October 2005, by the Department of Biological Oceanography, now Division of Oceanography (OCE) of OGS, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale of Trieste.
Microphytobenthos collected near mussel farm activities in the Gulf of Trieste - North Adriatic Sea in the framework of SosteMiTS Project financed by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Data collected in 2008-2009.