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    This dataset contains the findings from the analyses of data gathered during a seabed survey of Scanner Pockmark SCI. The pockmark and unit pockmark features present are a series of crater-like depressions on the seafloor. These structures consist of large blocks, pavements, slabs and smaller fragments of carbonate rock, including methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC). The features are classified as the Directives Annex I habitat Submarine structures made by leaking gases even in the absence of MDAC as the qualifying feature has been recorded in the past, and the presence of leaking gases is inferred from high reflectance backscatter data.

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    Natural England contracted Footprint Ecology to undertake a vegetation survey of Shingle and associated structures across a range of sites in the Solent area of southern England in 2013. This was designed to be at least partially comparable to the original survey of Solent vegetated shingle sites carried out by Cox and Crowther in 2000 (Cox and Crowther 2001). The methodology was based on the National Vegetation Classification, with additional communities identified by Cox and Crowther. Data were collected using NVC quadrats across the surveyed sites. These quadrats were geolocated using hand held GPS. Vegetated shingle communities were found at all the sites visited.