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Islameta Group

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    The ADRIA-Watch project is a scientific observatory for large marine vertebrates of the Northern Adriatic Sea. Data are collected and pooled together into one single database, working towards a better understanding and dealing of the problems affecting the large inhabitants of the area and to promote public awareness. ADRIA-Watch collects data on sightings and strandings of Cetaceans (dolphins and whales), marine turtles and sharks along our coasts. ADRIA-Watch also contributes to a sharing of knowledge: web site, public conferences, scientific seminars, didactic material and educational projects. In the framework of this project 5 satellite-tracked loggerhead turtles will be released in 2006, from five different sites in the northern Adriatic sea, from both Eastern (Slovenian and Croatian) and Western (Italian) shores.

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    The aim of this project is to investigate the movements performed by loggerhead turtles in the Adriatic sea. The Adriatic sea is home to a quite large number of turtles, especially loggerheads, representing one of the best feeding areas within the Mediterranean Sea. Both juveniles and adult loggerheads frequent this area, and are thought to perform seasonal migrations, especially in response to changes in environmental parameters (especially temperature).

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    Lampedusa is an island located on the northern edge of the Gulf of Gabés, one of the most important foraging grounds for both adult and juvenile loggerheads living in the Mediterranean Sea. This project aims at investigating the movements of the neritic-stage juvenile turtles in this area.

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    Il 5 giugno 2013, in occasione della Giornata Nazionale dell'Ambiente, presso la spiaggia di Brancaleone (RC) e' stata liberata Rughetta, una tartaruga in difficolta' salvata dai biologi del Centro Recupero Tartarughe Marine CTS di Brancaleone. Grazie ad una collaborazione con l'Universita' di Pisa, un apparecchio satellitare e' stato posizionato sul carapace dell'esemplare, ed e' ora possibile seguire gli spostamenti studiandone quindi il comportamento.

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    <p>Virtually nothing is known of the movements made by the many loggerhead juveniles that spend long periods of the year in the sea in front of the Tuscany coast, Northern Tyrrhenian Sea (central Mediterranean Sea). While it has been supposed that loggerheads frequent this area only during the warmest months and then undertake seasonal migrations towards southern (warmer) waters, the occurrence of such migrations have never been demonstrated. On the other hand, the fact that loggerheads are found in Tuscany waters throughout the year (winter months included) can indicate that the picture is more complex and variable than previously supposed. The aim is to localize the areas frequented by loggerheads in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, to document the occurrence of seasonal migrations and/or to investigate the turtles' fidelity to specific feeding areas.-nbsp;</p>