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    Gridded data of monitored fishing effort and relative bycatch of Mustelus mustelus, Squalus acanthias, Myliobatis aquila, Pteroplatytrygon violacea and Caretta caretta in mid-water pair trawl in the northern Adriatic Sea from, 2006-2017.

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    The dataset provided here consists of sighting data of sea turtles (Caretta caretta) collected between April 2013 and October 2017, along the ferry route between Italy and Spain, within the Fixed Line Transect Mediterranean monitoring Network (FLT Med Net), a multidisciplinary monitoring project coordinated by ISPRA since 2007. The programme uses ferry boats as observation platforms to undertake surveys of marine macro-fauna and main threats (maritime traffic and floating marine litter), and involves several International partners that share common protocols for data collection across different routes in the Mediterranean Sea. This datasets includes 117 georeferenced sightings of loggerhead turtles, together with effort data covered in good weather conditions (Beaufort <4), for a total of approximately 79.700 km, over 333 surveyed transects.

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    The dataset provided here consists of sighting data of marine mammals collected between January 2014 and December 2018, along the ferry route between Italy and Spain, within the Fixed Line Transect Mediterranean monitoring Network (FLT Med Net), a multidisciplinary monitoring project coordinated by ISPRA since 2007. The programme uses ferry boats as observation platforms to undertake surveys of marine macro-fauna and main threats (maritime traffic and floating marine litter), and involves several International partners that share common protocols for data collection across different routes in the Mediterranean Sea. This datasets includes 1432 georeferenced sightings of 8 cetacean species, together with effort data covered in good weather conditions (Beaufort <4), for a total of approximately 71.300 km, over 291 surveyed transects.

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    The ClimateFish database collates abundance data of 15 fish species proposed as candidate indicators of climate change in the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected according to a simplified visual census methodology (Garrabou et al. 2019) along standard transects of five minutes performed at a constant speed of 10m/min, corresponding approximately to an area of 50x5m. Four different depth layers were surveyed: 0-3m, 5-10 m, 11-20 m, 21-30 m. So far, the ClimateFish database includes fish counts collected along 3142 transects carried out in seven Mediterranean countries between 2009 and 2021, for a total number of 101'771 observed individuals belonging to the 15 fish species.