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EMODnet Biology Autumn Data School-Mediterranean organisations


  • 13 11月 202314 11月 2023
  • Lecce, Italy

The Workshop will take the form of an “Autumn School”. The first two days will be organized as a DATAthon (like hackathons, a datathon is an event where participants gather to solve practical problems through the application of data science tools and techniques, by working together in teams to generate insights and potential solutions). The DATAthon will focus on transferring knowledge on data management best practices (from the collection of the dataset until its publication).  Participants will bring their own dataset to work on and follow all the steps up to its final submission to Marine Research Repositories, such as MedOBIS and the LifeWatch ERIC Metadata Catalogue, with the focus on facilitating its reuse.

Participants will be also benefited by applying a DOI to their data work, as well as by publishing a data paper in the Biodiversity Data Journal  

Registration by invitation only.