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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)


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The publication of data, which was completed in late June, increased the EMODnet Biology holdings by more than 300K new occurrence records.


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Who can benefit from EMODnet?

Public sector

Government agencies are key-players’ in marine environmental management, both collecting data in their monitoring activities and using data to ensure the health of the marine environment and the safety of those operating at sea.

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Civil Society

The democratisation of science and open access to scientific data has a positive knock-on effect on society. For this reason, the activities and achievements of EMODnet need to be closely linked to everyday issues impacting citizens, such as the environment, the conservation of marine living resources, public investment, new services and job creation.

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Private Sector

Businesses can provide their contribution and use EMODnet to their advantage in many ways, whether they are Large or Small & Medium sized (SMEs) enterprises, dynamic European start-ups or entrepreneurs-to-be, researchers, developers, deployers, providers, or distributors, etc.

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Research Community

Research institutes, academic institutions, university departments and, more generally, any organisation heavily involved in promoting, supporting and enabling research producing activities in the Blue Growth sector, play an essential role in the marine and maritime ecosystem.

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