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The Shell Flat and Lune Deep candidate Special Area of Conservation is a Site of Community Importance, and current evidence identifies the qualifying Annex 1 habitat and feature: Sandbanks which are slightly covered by water all the time. Fylde MCZ lies immediately adjacent to the South of Shell Flat and was designated in 2013 for its subtidal sand Broad Scale Habitat feature, although subtidal mud also occurs across approximately 50% of the site. This map is the result of a study that undertook analysis of the available data in the Shell Flat and Lune Deep Site of Community Importance (SCI) and Fylde Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) to produce topography and habitat maps to the highest practicable resolution, and identify changes in biota, habitats and topography over time across the sites. In total, 11 biotopes were assigned over the Shell Flat and Lune Deep SCI and Fylde MCZ.
Pilot survey carried out on subtidal sandbanks at the approaches to the Outer Thames Estuary, as part of a project to identify potential SACs which are not connected to the coast. The purpose of the study was to record and characterise the subtidal sandbank habitat. Data verified in house. Side scan sonar ground-truthed. All data collected, analysed and verified by experts: no conflicting data found.