Earth Science > Oceans > Sea Surface Topography > Sea Surface Height
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EMODnet - Regional sea level trends are derived from the GLORYS12v1 delayed-time (DT-2018 version) altimeter gridded maps of sea level anomalies based on a stable number of altimeters (two) in the satellite constellation
EMODnet Physics - Absolute Sea Level Trends - trends are derived from the DUACS delayed-time (DT-2018 version) altimeter gridded maps of sea level anomalies based on a stable number of altimeters (two) in the satellite constellation.
EMODnet Physics - Deseasonalized Sea Level monthly means Global Oceans. This product is based, uses and reprocess the CMEMS product id. SEALEVEL_GLO_PHY_CLIMATE_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_008_057
EMODnet - Regional sea level trends are derived from the DUACS delayed-time (DT-2018 version) altimeter gridded maps of sea level anomalies based on a stable number of altimeters (two) in the satellite constellation
EMODnet Physics - Absolute Sea Level Trends - trends are derived from the DUACS delayed-time (DT-2018 version) altimeter gridded maps of sea level anomalies based on a stable number of altimeters (two) in the satellite constellation
EMODnet Physics - Collection of Water Surface Height Above a Specific Datum (SLEV) TimeSeries - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation. Water Surface Height Above a Specific Datum (SLEV) TimeSeries. EMODnet Physics data from a local source.
EMODnet Physics - Collection of Water Surface Height Above a Specific Datum (SLEV) TimeSeries - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation. Water Surface Height Above a Specific Datum (SLEV) TimeSeries. EMODnet Physics data from a local source.