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ETT S.p.A.

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  • This dataset includes data of plastic litter collected by citizens and students during 12 campaigns that were organised in Crete (Greece) during the period May 2022 – May 2023. The campaigns were organized within the framework of the NAUTILOS Horizon 2020 project. More specifically the number of plastic litter items per category (using the J code List of the EMODnet Chemistry Thematic Lot n°4) was recorded together with information about the location, date, surface area covered, data contributor and some environmental characteristics (sediment, weather, surroundings).

  • Categories  

    Global Ocean Climatology - Temperature and Salinity Climatology V2 The climatology considers temperature and salinity profiles from Conductivity Depth Temperature (CTD), Ocean station data (OSD) and Moored buoy data (MRB) along with Profiling Floats (PFL) from 1900 to 2017. The gridded fields are computed using DIVAnd (Data Interpolating Variational Analysis) version 2.3.1. Regional climatologies are available in SeaDataNet reference: Kanwal Shahzadi , Nadia Pinardi , Vladislav Lyubartsev , Marco zavatarelli , Simona simoncelli . Global Ocean Climatology - Temperature and Salinity Climatology V2.

  • Station_Institute time series 20170101-20181125

  • AdriFOOS - Fishery Observing System (FOS) program aimed at using Italian fishing vessels as Vessels Of Opportunity (VOOs) for the collection of scientifically useful datasets. The dataset includes depth/temperature profiles collected by the AdriFOOS fleet in the period July 2021. These data are collected under the H2020 NAUTILOS project (ct. 101000825 -

  • This dataset contains temperature data acquired between August 2013 and July 2014 using 19 temperature probes (HTW, HTNKE and LTW) installed in smoker orifices or cracks. High-temperature WHOI probes (HTW) are composed of 2 J-type thermistors in the rod tip connected to 2 temperature data-loggers (named A & B), 2 data recordings are available for 1 HTW probe. They are able to record temperatures up to 415°C with an accuracy of ± 1.1°C, a resolution of 0.25°C at 375°C and a clock drift of 1min per month. High-temperature NKE probes (HTNKE) are able to record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ±0.5°C, a resolution of 0.1°C and a clock drift of 1min/month. Low-temperature WHOI probes (LTW) are able to record temperatures up to 125°C. with an accuracy of ±0.22°C, a resolution of 0.025°C and a clock drift of ±1min per month. The array is not connected to an energy node. All probes are calibrated in time before deployment, probe time adjusted to UTC time. Temperature of probes is checked after recovery and before deployment. Clock drift after recovery is not implemented in data.

  • This dataset contains temperature data acquired between April 2015 and September 2016 using 17 temperature probes (HTW, HTWN, HTNKE and LTW) installed in smoker orifices or cracks. High-temperature WHOI probes (HTW) are composed of 2 J-type thermistors in the rod tip connected to 2 temperature data-loggers (named A & B), 2 data recordings are available for 1 HTW probe. They are able to record temperatures up to 415°C with an accuracy of ± 1.1°C, a resolution of 0.25°C at 375°C and a clock drift of 1min per month. High-temperature WHOI new probes (HTWN) are composed of 1 temperature data-logger and 1 attitude logger to measure absolute orientation (tilt) and acceleration. The thermocouple of their rod tip can be J or T-Type. Mostly used J-Type thermocouple is able to record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ± 0.6°C, a resolution of 0,03°C and a clock drift of 1min/year. High-temperature NKE probes (HTNKE) are able to record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ±0.5°C, a resolution of 0.1°C and a clock drift of 1min/month. Low-temperature WHOI probes (LTW) are able to record temperatures up to 125°C. with an accuracy of ±0.22°C, a resolution of 0.025°C and a clock drift of ±1min per month. The array is not connected to an energy node. All probes are calibrated in time before deployment, probe time adjusted to UTC time. Temperature of probes is checked after recovery and before deployment. Clock drift after recovery is not implemented in data.

  • his dataset contains temperature data acquired between August 2016 and July 2017 using 22 temperature probes (HTW, HTWN, HTNKE and LTW) installed in smoker orifices or cracks. High-temperature WHOI probes (HTW) are composed of 2 J-type thermistors in the rod tip connected to 2 temperature data-loggers (named A & B), 2 data recordings are available for 1 HTW probe. They are able to record temperatures up to 415°C with an accuracy of ± 1.1°C, a resolution of 0.25°C at 375°C and a clock drift of 1min per month. High-temperature WHOI new probes (HTWN) are composed of 1 temperature data-logger and 1 attitude logger to measure absolute orientation (tilt) and acceleration. The thermocouple of their rod tip can be J or T-Type. Mostly used J-Type thermocouple is able to record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ± 0.6°C, a resolution of 0,03°C and a clock drift of 1min/year. High-temperature NKE probes (HTNKE) are able to record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ±0.5°C, a resolution of 0.1°C and a clock drift of 1min/month. Low-temperature WHOI probes (LTW) are able to record temperatures up to 125°C. with an accuracy of ±0.22°C, a resolution of 0.025°C and a clock drift of ±1min per month. Low-temperature NKE probes (LTNKE) are able to record temperatures up to 100°C, with an accuracy of ±0.5°C, a resolution of 0.12°C at 60°C and a clock drift of 1min per month. The array is not connected to an energy node. All probes are calibrated in time before deployment, probe time adjusted to UTC time. Temperature of probes is checked after recovery and before deployment. Clock drift after recovery is not implemented in data.

  • his dataset contains temperature data acquired between July 2012 and August 2013 using 17 temperature probes (HTW, HTNKE and LTW) installed in smoker orifices or cracks. High-temperature WHOI probes (HTW) are composed of 2 J-type thermistors in the rod tip connected to 2 temperature data-loggers (named A & B), 2 data recordings are available for 1 HTW probe. They are able to record temperatures up to 415°C with an accuracy of ± 1.1°C, a resolution of 0.25°C at 375°C and a clock drift of 1min per month. High-temperature NKE probes (HTNKE) are able to record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ±0.5°C, a resolution of 0.1°C and a clock drift of 1min/month. Low-temperature WHOI probes (LTW) are able to record temperatures up to 125°C. with an accuracy of ±0.22°C, a resolution of 0.025°C and a clock drift of ±1min per month. The array is not connected to an energy node. All probes are calibrated in time before deployment, probe time adjusted to UTC time. Temperature of probes is checked after recovery and before deployment. Clock drift after recovery is not implemented in data.

  • he MEOP consortium (MEOP stands for "Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole") brings together several national programmes to produce a comprehensive quality-controlled database of oceanographic data obtained in Polar Regions from instrumented marine mammals.

  • Stari_Grad buoy timeseries