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    High resolution (1/512 minute ~ 3.6m) bathymetry dataset from the Mineplat 4 cruise onboard IPMA RV Noruega. Portugal southern continental shelf, off Alentejo coast, 24 March to 4 April 2019. Depths between 60 and 110m. Seabed sediments sampling was performed during daytime and multibeam mapping during the night, with a Reson T50-P multibeam echosounder. Depths are referenced to the Portuguese Chart Datum (2m below MSL) and WGS84 horizontal reference frame. Position and attitude data (GNSS+Inertial via Applanix OceanMaster POSMV) was post-processed with POSPAC.

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    Source data for the EMODNet DTM for the Belgium Coastal Waters is compiled by the Vlaamse Hydrografie ( at a resolution of 1/512 arc minute. The data set covers dry coast and dunes along the Belgian coast.

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    Source data for the EMODNet DTM for the Belgium Coastal Waters is compiled by the Vlaamse Hydrografie ( at a resolution of 1/512 arc minute. The data set covers the waters along the Belgian coast.