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    Primary and Secondary Sea Level Index Points. Where information is available on the genesis of the index point it is given. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only, 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence

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    Submerged accumulation of partially decayed vegetation or organic matter. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only, 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence

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    Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) landscape / base of the post-LGM deposit. Contours are presented as depth (metres) below present mean sea level of the post LGM sedimentary cover. This is an erosional unconformity, where an infilled valley is present the valley base has been used. LGM defined on average at 18,000 years BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only, 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence

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    Thickness of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) deposit. Contours are presented as depth (metres) below present seafloor or the base of the post LGM sedimentary cover. LGM is defined on average at 18,000 years BP. In glaciated regions the thickness of the Holocene is used. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only, 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence

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    Coastal and submarine springs subdivided as: 1. Coastal; 2. Submarine; 3. Other. Where information on the genesis of the feature is available that is also given e.g. geological fault (FEA_GEN_TY). The rate of flow in m3 / second is specified if known. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.

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    Palaeocoastline polyline features delineating former coastlines and shorelines subdivided into those which have been mapped (direct observation) or modelled. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only, 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence

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    Coastal Landforms created during periods of lower sea level. These features may or may not be submerged today (e.g. as a result of isostatic rebound). Where possible these have been subdivided into the type of Coastal Landform e.g. Beachrock, Littoral deposit, Coastal dunes, Cliff, Sand bars, beach ridges, Other. Where information is available on the genesis of the beach deposit this has been provided, e.g. foreshore sediment, aeolian sediment (e.g. dunes). Where information on sediment grain size and composition is available this has been provided. Uncemented/cemented (e.g. beach rock). Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.

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    Coastal Landforms created during periods of lower sea level. These features may or may not be submerged today (e.g. as a result of isostatic rebound). Where possible these have been subdivided into the type of Coastal Landform e.g. Beachrock, Littoral deposit, Coastal dunes, Cliff, Sand bars, beach ridges, Other. Where information is available on the genesis of the beach deposit this has been provided, e.g. foreshore sediment, aeolian sediment (e.g. dunes). Where information on sediment grain size and composition is available this has been provided. Uncemented/cemented (e.g. beach rock). Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.

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    Terraces are defined as a step-like landform and can be sub-divided thus: 1. Marine (1a: erosional / 1b: depositional); 2. Fluvial (2a: erosional / 2b: depositional); 3. Lacustrine (3a: erosional / 3b: depositional); 4. Other. Further information on genesis of the terrace e.g. Erosional (e.g. wave-cut platform), Depositional (e.g. fluvial margins) is presented if known. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.

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    Areas of relict wetland. Where known the type of wetland is included e.g. salt marsh, tidal flat, peat bog, supra tidal zone, swamp, other. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.