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Laminaria ochroleuca distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Project FindKelp and published in: ÔÇ£Findkelp, a GIS-based Community Participation Project to Assess Portuguese Kelp Conservation StatusÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1469-1473)
Zostera marina meadows distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Life Project BIOMARES and published in: ÔÇ£Seagrasses in Portugal: A most endangered marine habitatÔÇØ. Aquatic Botany. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.08.007. ÔÇ£Estimation of available seagrass meadows area in Portugal for transplanting purposes ÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1100-1104)
Zostera noltii meadows distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Life Project BIOMARES and published in: ÔÇ£Seagrasses in Portugal: A most endangered marine habitatÔÇØ. Aquatic Botany. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.08.007. ÔÇ£Estimation of available seagrass meadows area in Portugal for transplanting purposes ÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1100-1104)
Maerl beds distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data published in: ÔÇ£Present distribution of maerl beds in the Atlantic Iberian PeninsulaÔÇØ. Museologia Scientifica e Naturalista. Volume Speciale 2009
Cymodocea nodosa meadows distribution in the south of Portugal from historical data. Data provided by the Life Project BIOMARES and published in: ÔÇ£Seagrasses in Portugal: A most endangered marine habitatÔÇØ. Aquatic Botany. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.08.007. ÔÇ£Estimation of available seagrass meadows area in Portugal for transplanting purposes ÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1100-1104)
Saccorhiza polyschides distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Project FindKelp and published in: ÔÇ£Findkelp, a GIS-based Community Participation Project to Assess Portuguese Kelp Conservation StatusÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1469-1473)
UKSeaMap 2016 has been generated by JNCC and is a by-product of the 2013-2016 activities of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats 2013-2016 consortium. It is a composite of two broad-scale habitat maps, arranged in the following priority order: 1. A roughly 100 m* resolution broad-scale habitat map, which covers the majority of the UK shelf area. 2. EUSeaMap 2016, a coarser resolution** broad-scale habitat map, which covers all European seas (view/download on the EMODnet Seabed Habitats interactive map). Both of these datasets have been created using identical methods; the only difference is in the resolution of the seabed substrate input data and the source and resolution of the depth data. Classification systems: EUNIS habitat classification system, with additional deep sea zones MSFD predominant habitats The Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Input data layers: Seabed substrate type Depth to the seabed Amount of light reaching the seabed Wave disturbance at the seabed Kinetic energy at the seabed caused by tidal currents and waves Outputs: Predictive seabed habitat map Confidence layers The map follows the EUNIS 2007-11 classification system where it is appropriate.
Laminaria hyperborea distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Project FindKelp and published in: ÔÇ£Findkelp, a GIS-based Community Participation Project to Assess Portuguese Kelp Conservation StatusÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1469-1473)
Data were collected in the framework for the stablishment of the Capo Milazzo AMP. The study was founded by MATTM. The map was constructed by using acustic data, direct observations by ROV and satellite images.
January spawning ground occurrence probability was modeled as part of INTERREG 3a CHARM II project (2006-2008). The gridded dataset (horizontal resolution 0.009 x 0.009 decimal degrees, i.e. approximately 800m) was created by (Carpentier et al, 2009) by fitting a Generalised Linear Model (GLM) using IBTS survey data and a series of environmental raster datasets. More information is available in the metadata of the original data source (Carpentier et al, 2009) and the CHARM II final report - see lineage for a link to these items.