Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW)
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Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Echinocyamus pusillus, Harmothoe, Bittium reticulatum, Oligochaeta, Alitta virens, Turritella communis, Asterias rubens in the Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServer. For EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.
Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Phoronis, Tellina fabula, Thracia phaseolina, Ophelia borealis, Spiophanes bombyx, Branchiostoma lanceolatum, Spio arndtiin the Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServer. For EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.
Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Monoporeia affinis, Marenzelleria, Macoma balthica in the Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServerFor EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.
Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Bylgides sarsi, Pontoporeia femoratain the Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServer. For EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.
Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Mytilus spp., Amphibalanus improvisus in the Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServer. For EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.
Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Amphiura, Abra nitida, Galathowenia oculata, Ennucula tenuis, Thyasira flexuosa, Nucula nitidosa, Diplocirrus glaucusinthe Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServer. For EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.
Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Diastylis, Corbula gibba, Dipolydora quadrilobata, Arctica islandica, Aricidea suecica, Abra albain the Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServer. For EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.
Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Tellina tenuis, Ensis directus, Haustorius arenarius, Lamprops fasciatusin the Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServer. For EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.
Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Hydrobiidae, Pygospio elegans, Cerastoderma glaucumin the Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServerFor EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.
Data represents the abundance of benthic community with Lagis koreni, Cerastoderma edule, Polydora, Halicryptus spinulosus in the Baltic Sea. Baltic wide benthic community analysis is done based on the abundance and biomass data averaged for all sampling events in within 5 km grid cell based on the harmonised dataset that comprises data at over 7000 locations mostly sampled in period 2000-2013. Random Forest model was used for spatial interpolation.Original data can be downloaded: http://gis.ices.dk/gis/rest/services/ExternalDatasets/Benthic/MapServer. For EMODnet Seabed habitat portal the original dataset was separated as presence-absence grids per identified benthic community in the original article.