
Turbulence in the water column

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  • The investigations of Blekinge coast started in 1978. In 1990 the program "Blekinge Kustvattenkontrollprogram" Blekinge Coastal water control programme, was formed, building on the stations sampled earlier, but with extended sampling.

  • The datasets contains selected data from the underwater glider missions in Eastern Mediterranean performed in April-May and in August 2023 by Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University (METU-IMS). The glider was donated to METU-IMS by Is Bankasi - the national commercial bank in Turkey. The underwater glider SeaExplorer X2 of ALSEAMAR is equipped with the following instruments: 1) RBRlegato³ C.T.D (non-pumped flow) with temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors; 2) JFE Advantech Co. Rinko Fast Optical DO sensor; 3) Wet Labs ECO Puck (fluorescence and turbidity); 4) Sea-Bird Scientific Deep SUNA Ocean Nitrate Sensor; 5) Altimeter. The research area is between mainland and Cyprus bounded by a rectangle with coordinates 35.52°-36.1°N, 33.2°-33.5°E. The first mission with internal number 16 was carried out in period April, 26 – May, 16, 2023, the second mission with internal number 20 was carried out in period August, 2 – August, 27, 2023. The first and last transects from each mission are included in the dataset. The dataset is submitted as zip-archive containing 110 .gz files. Each .gz file contains instrument output acquired within one glider dive cycle.

  • RESOLAG is a sensor network located in French Polynesia, in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. The program started in 2018 to acquire data on seawater parameter inside lagoon impacted by pearl oyster farming activity. It is a long-term monitoring of seawater temperature, disolve oxygen, turbidity, fluorescence and salinity. One of the network’s major goal is to better understand the link between black-pearl oysters and their environment, in order to improve management of the farming activity. RESOLAG was created by the Department for Marine Ressources Management of French Polynesia. It is a public organisation run by the gouvernment of French Polynesia. Therefore all data from the network are publicly available to download (under CC-BY licence). Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • Current Meters in the frame of HERMES project

  • CTD data acquired in Mersin Bay in 2022 in framework of the project "Ecosystem Based Monitoring and Management Plan for the Clean Mediterranean, Phase 1"

  • Part of Deliverable 6.1 of GENIALG Project. Datasets used for parametrisation and validation of models and evaluation of farm footprint. The dataset consists of continuous and spot sampling records of temperature, salinity (conductivity), turbidity, Secchi disk depths, irradiance (as PAR), nutrients and suspended matter content in water samples. Records obtain at Ventry Harbour test farm between September 2017 and October 2019 during GENIALG project (project ID: 727892, GENIALG - GENetic diversity exploitation for Innovative Macro-ALGal biorefinery, GENIALG was funded by the European Union Horizon2020 programme. The remit of the work was assessing the environmental footprint and ecosystem services provided by seaweed aquaculture in Europe to provide best practice advice to industry.

  • Since 2006, the Belgian Navy operates 5 Hydroid REMUS 100 Autonomous underwater vehicles. Four more were acquired in 2012 and 2016. 880 missions have been undertaken in various European countries for port protection and mine hunting operations, for which the sidescan sonar images are used,. This datset contains data from 455 missions (inland and testing missions excluded) from 2006 until 2019, mostly in Europe (Baltic, North and Mediterranean Sea) and contains ADCP, CTD, chlorophyll and turbidity data.

  • The tasks of the expedition: - conducting complex hydrometeorological observations in the spring-summer period in the Arctic basin of the Arctic Ocean; - obtaining data on the morphometry of the ice cover, the physical and mechanical properties of ice; - study of hydrometeorological and oceanographic conditions.

  • CTD data acquired with R/V Teal Jr. along northern coast of Cyprus in 2018 in framework of the project "Determination of the impact of human and natural changes on the marine ecosystem of Cilician Basin".

  • CTD data acquired with R/V Teal Jr. along northern coast of Cyprus in 2015 in framework of the project "Determination of the impact of human and natural changes on the marine ecosystem of Cilician Basin".