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    The map shows the distribution of nursery areas in the Italian seas in autumn of Aristeus antennatus. Species data, collected during national trawl survey campains in the period 1994-1996, were elaborated using spatial analysis. The distribution maps were included on a CDROM in their native GIS format and also in PDF format. For more information refer to "GD Ardizzone, F Corsi, S Agnesi, 1999 - Atlante delle Risorse Ittiche Demersali Italiane triennio 1994-1996. Ministero per le Politiche Agricole (RM)

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    Data derives from Ana de la Torriente's article, published on January 2019.In this work, distribution models were applied to nine benthic habitats on a Mediterranean seamount within an MPA for conservation purposes. Benthic habitat occurrences were identified from 55 remotely operated vehicle (ROV) transects, at depths from 76 to 700 m, and data derived from multibeam bathymetry. For more informations refer to

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    Data derives from Mariacristina Prampolini's article, published on July 2018. This study presents a multi-method approach to map the marine habitats of the continental shelf off the NW coast of Malta and the E coasts of the Maltese Islands, using predominantly MBES bathymetry and backscatter with ground-truthing in selected locations in the E part only. The main results obtained from these analyses are an automatic classification of the seafloor morphology, a sediment map of the continental shelf of NW Malta and east of the Maltese archipelago and the first full benthic habitat map of the continental shelf offshore E and NW coast of Malta. For more informations refer to

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    Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Eledone cirrhosa in the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected from available pre-reviewed journal and grey literature concerning nurseries of the Mediterranean demersal fish and shellfish stock, in order to select those cases in which discrete areas of hight, stable and persistant concentration of undersize fish were individuated.For more informations refer to

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    Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Mullus barbatusin the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected from available pre-reviewed journal and grey literature concerning nurseries of the Mediterranean demersal fish and shellfish stock, in order to select those cases in which discrete areas of hight, stable and persistant concentration of undersize fish were individuated.For more informations refer to

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    Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Merluccius merluccius in the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected from available pre-reviewed journal and grey literature concerning nurseries of the Mediterranean demersal fish and shellfish stock, in order to select those cases in which discrete areas of hight, stable and persistant concentration of undersize fish were individuated.For more informations refer to

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    Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Parapenaeus longirostris in the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected from available pre-reviewed journal and grey literature concerning nurseries of the Mediterranean demersal fish and shellfish stock, in order to select those cases in which discrete areas of hight, stable and persistant concentration of undersize fish were individuated.For more informations refer to

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    Data derives from F. Palmas'article, published on February 2015. Aim of this paper is to identify stable spawning and nursery grounds in the Sardinia slope region (central western Mediterranean Sea) for Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus. This study also generated relevant information on the spatial and temporal distribution of seasonal or persistent aggregations of spawners and recruits, providing scientific elements to suggest the protection of these important resource. For more informations refer to

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    Data derives from F. Palmas'article, published on February 2015. Aim of this paper is to identify stable spawning and nursery grounds in the Sardinia slope region (central western Mediterranean Sea) for Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus. This study also generated relevant information on the spatial and temporal distribution of seasonal or persistent aggregations of spawners and recruits, providing scientific elements to suggest the protection of these important resource. For more informations refer to

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    Data derives from F. Palmas'article, published on February 2015. Aim of this paper is to identify stable spawning and nursery grounds in the Sardinia slope region (central western Mediterranean Sea) for Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus. This study also generated relevant information on the spatial and temporal distribution of seasonal or persistent aggregations of spawners and recruits, providing scientific elements to suggest the protection of these important resource. For more informations refer to