University of Algarve (UAlg-FCT)- Centre of Marine Science (CCMAR)
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Zostera marina meadows distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Life Project BIOMARES and published in: ÔÇ£Seagrasses in Portugal: A most endangered marine habitatÔÇØ. Aquatic Botany. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.08.007. ÔÇ£Estimation of available seagrass meadows area in Portugal for transplanting purposes ÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1100-1104)
Saccorhiza polyschides distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Project FindKelp and published in: ÔÇ£Findkelp, a GIS-based Community Participation Project to Assess Portuguese Kelp Conservation StatusÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1469-1473)
Maerl beds distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data published in: ÔÇ£Present distribution of maerl beds in the Atlantic Iberian PeninsulaÔÇØ. Museologia Scientifica e Naturalista. Volume Speciale 2009
Zostera noltii meadows distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Life Project BIOMARES and published in: ÔÇ£Seagrasses in Portugal: A most endangered marine habitatÔÇØ. Aquatic Botany. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.08.007. ÔÇ£Estimation of available seagrass meadows area in Portugal for transplanting purposes ÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1100-1104)
Laminaria hyperborea distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Project FindKelp and published in: ÔÇ£Findkelp, a GIS-based Community Participation Project to Assess Portuguese Kelp Conservation StatusÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1469-1473)
Laminaria ochroleuca distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Project FindKelp and published in: ÔÇ£Findkelp, a GIS-based Community Participation Project to Assess Portuguese Kelp Conservation StatusÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1469-1473)
Cymodocea nodosa meadows distribution in the south of Portugal from historical data. Data provided by the Life Project BIOMARES and published in: ÔÇ£Seagrasses in Portugal: A most endangered marine habitatÔÇØ. Aquatic Botany. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.08.007. ÔÇ£Estimation of available seagrass meadows area in Portugal for transplanting purposes ÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1100-1104)
This Persistence index of juveniles of Trachurus spp. in the Portuguese continental coast was calculated following Colloca et al. (2015) for project Minouw. Using data from PT-IBTS (2002-2011), geostatistical methods were performed for each year. Density hot spots were outlined on the annual maps using Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) and persistente zone of undersized indivuduals was calculated for the overlapped years. More information on Technical report: Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries WP1. Ecological, socioeconomic and technical characteristics of discarding fisheries Deliverable 1.2 GIS maps (juveniles) Responsible beneficiary: 1 -CSIC Contractual due date: month 24 Dissemination level: PUBLIC Report Status: FINAL Actual submission
This Persistence index of juveniles of Merluccius merluccius in the Portuguese continental coast was calculated following Colloca et al. (2015) for project Minouw. Using data from PT-IBTS (2002-2011), geostatistical methods were performed for each year. Density hot spots were outlined on the annual maps using Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) and persistente zone of undersized indivuduals was calculated for the overlapped years. More information on Technical report: Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries WP1. Ecological, socioeconomic and technical characteristics of discarding fisheries Deliverable 1.2 GIS maps (juveniles) Responsible beneficiary: 1 -CSIC Contractual due date: month 24 Dissemination level: PUBLIC Report Status: FINAL Actual submission
This Persistence index of juveniles of Parapenaeus longirostris in the Portuguese continental coast was calculated following Colloca et al. (2015) for project Minouw. Using data from PT-IBTS (2002-2011), geostatistical methods were performed for each year. Density hot spots were outlined on the annual maps using Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) and persistente zone of undersized indivuduals was calculated for the overlapped years. More information on Technical report: Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries WP1. Ecological, socioeconomic and technical characteristics of discarding fisheries Deliverable 1.2 GIS maps (juveniles) Responsible beneficiary: 1 -CSIC Contractual due date: month 24 Dissemination level: PUBLIC Report Status: FINAL Actual submission