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  • The methodology used for monitoring has been applied in the Baltic Sea Region since 2011 and is based on the recommendations issued by UNEP/IOC in 2009. It has been further developed, considering the guidelines of HELCOM, OSPAR, and recommendations of the European Commission's JRC Marine Litter working group. Marine beach litter monitoring data were gathered from 15 beaches. Monitoring of 13 sites was conducted three times during the spring, summer, and autumn periods, while two beaches were visited once (in the spring) and then replaced with other beaches (no further marine litter monitoring was carried out at these sites in 2023).

  • Seal pathology from dead seals around the Swedish coast 2017-2022

  • Beach litter monitoring data from the Swedish coastline of Kattegat, the Sound and the Baltic Sea

  • The purpose of measuring jelly plankton in the marine environment is primarily to detect changes in the marine food web. The national monitoring program is financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by Gothenburg University. Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive (SHARK) by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). Information about the program and the methods are available in Swedish at the website of Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management,

  • Dataset gives a baseline for micro- and mesoplastic pollution distribution in 24 beaches along the Latvian coastline (Northern Europe, Baltic states), filling the existing knowledge gap and contributing to the global understanding of microplastic particles presence, transport, and the processes governing its dynamics. We also highlight citizen science as a fundamental tool to support data collection and raise awareness about microplastic pollution, as samples were collected by up to 250 volunteers during organized campaigns (Dimante-Deimantovica et al. 2023).

  • The national monitoring program is financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive (SHARK) by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). Information about the program and the methods are available in Swedish at the website of Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management,

  • Displays wrecks from the National Monuments Service’s Wreck Inventory of Ireland Database (WIID) for which there is a recorded location. There is data held within the WIID on a large number of wrecks for which we have no precise recorded location, co-ordinate or known extent. Of the approximate 18,000 records, only 4,000 have precise locations leaving approximately 14,000 wrecks in the WIID database for which a location has yet to be confirmed. The location given equates with the known approximate centre point of the wreck and is not indicative of its geographic or spatial extent. Wrecks in the database have a summary description, providing information on the original vessel, their history, voyage, cargo, passengers and the story of its loss, where known. The data has been collated from a variety of sources including INFOMAR, UKHO, and

  • Sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders at Poti Sea Port. Permanent observation on sea level with: date and time, wave height (max, min and average), sea level (max, min and average), water temperature C, air temperature C, Pressure mb.

  • Sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders at Poti Sea Port. Permanent observation on sea level with: date and time, wave height (max, min and average), sea level (max, min and average), water temperature C, air temperature C, Pressure mb.

  • Sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders at Poti Sea Port. Permanent observation on sea level with: date and time, wave height (max, min and average), sea level (max, min and average), water temperature C, air temperature C, Pressure mb.