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This service contains entity indexes for boreholes, grab samples and geophysical data. In this service you will find marine points and lines in Europe with geological knowledge. Each feature contains main metadata for the feature including contact details to relevant authorities.
This data set is a compilation of all known marine points with geological knowledge. From this index, you can get an overview on available geological knowledge for European seas together with contact information for further details.
Seabed substrate map of the European sea areas (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, the White Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters). The map is collated and harmonized from seabed substrate information within the EMODnet-Geology project. The map is collated from data from Partners and generalized data at smaller scales. Where necessary, the existing substrate classifications (of individual maps) have been translated to a scheme that is supported by EUNIS. This EMODnet reclassification scheme consists of altogether five seabed substrate classes. Four substrate classes are defined on the basis of the modified Folk triangle (mud to sandy mud; sand; coarse sediment; and mixed sediment) and one additional substrate class (rock and boulders) was included by the project team. If the original seabed substrate dataset has enabled more detailed substrate classification, classifications with 7 and 16 substrate classes might be available. The seabed substrate maps were produced March 2019. The sedimentation rates April 2021. Note: The data may include some errors e.g. overlays, topological gaps and data discontinuities.
Within EMODnet Geology, the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) is leading the workpackage “Seafloor Geology” to compile and harmonize the European marine geology map data as detailed as possible for the themes – pre-Quaternary and – Quaternary geology; – geomorphology. These three data layers on Seafloor Geology show the underlying geology from Earths ancient past (more than 2500 Million years ago) to modern Quaternary deposits and geomorphological features. From it we can read the story about Earths Evolution in the European, marine part of our planet Earth, i.e. from the oldest rocks and how they form, to the youngest rocks and geomorphological features representing the most recent geological and environmental changes. Users can find in particular Information on scientifically valuable geological and geomorphological structures, on geological material (lithology), its age (stratigraphy) and its forms (geomorphology) on the seafloor in Europe. This contains information on structures on the seafloor important for geoscience research and investigations of future exploration of mineral and energy resources, but also of biologic resources. It is also a source of knowledge to show features of the seafloor geomorphology valuable for habitats of numerous species (Fishery, tourism). In addition, the layers provides information on the sea floor conditions to plan building infrastructures (such as windparks, or a pipeline or a protection area for endangered species).
EMODnet Geology’s marine minerals layers include all types of naturally occurring geological raw materials, metals and hydrocarbons known to accumulate in European sea regions. The 12 different types of marine minerals mapped for EMODnet Geology vary widely in types. Differing geological environments are reflected in the varied types of mineral accumulates found in the European marine environment. Mapping the spatial extent of marine mineral occurrences within European waters allows us to communicate their extent visually, using one common data standard and at one common scale. It is hoped that these seabed mineral deposit maps will be useful to policy makers, planners, industry and society.
Sea level is known to have fluctuated by more than 100 metres over repeated glacial cycles resulting in recurring exposure, inundation and migration of coastlines not only across Europe, but worldwide. Landscape response to these changes in sea level, and the preservation of these features on continental shelves around Europe, are an invaluable resource for improving our understanding of human history and environmental change over geological time. More than 10,000 features representing 26 classes of submerged landscape and palaeoenvironmental indicator ranging from mapped and modelled palaeocoastlines, evidence for submerged forests and peats, thickness of post-Last Glacial Maximum sediments and submerged freshwater springs have been collated
These datasets represent a systematic collection of harmonized data concerning geological events. GIS layers display data on the Portal at a resolution of 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 scale concerning earthquakes, submarine landslides, volcanoes, tsunamis, fluid emissions and Quaternary tectonics, subdivided according to their geometry (polygons, points and lines). They provide information on the type of events which have taken place in the past and might potentially occur again. Where available details include dimensions, state of activity, morphological type and lithology. The elaboration of guidelines to compile GIS layers was aimed at identifying parameters to be used to thoroughly characterize each event. Particular attention has been devoted to the definition of the Attribute tables in order to achieve the best degree of harmonization and standardization complying with the European INSPIRE Directive. Shapefiles can be downloaded from the Portal and used locally in order to browse through the details of the different features, consulting their Attribute tables. Information contained therein provide an inventory of available data which can be fruitfully applied in the management of coastal areas and support planning of further surveys. By combining the diverse information contained in the different layers, it might be possible to elaborate additional thematic maps which could support further research. Moreover, they potentially represent a useful tool to increase awareness of the hazards which might affect coastal areas. Data sources include detailed information held by the Project Partners plus any further publicly available third-party data (last update Mar. 2019). All products delivered by Partners have been collated, verified and validated in order to achieve the best degree of harmonization and INSPIRE compliance. Each layer is complemented by an Attribute table which provides, in addition to the location, type of geological event and its references (mandatory), further information for each occurrence (where available). Since features considered within WP6 have a scattered distribution, the additional layer “Geological events distribution” provides basic information on areas of occurrences, no occurrences and no data for the marine areas surrounding European countries.
The public availability of satellite data and new analytical tools for processing big data, such as the Google Earth Engine, enable us to look at coastline migration in a new way. Scripts for automated detection of the land-water boundary generate numerous data points for each part of the European coastline. When averaged by year and analyzed for a decadal period, these data points form the basis for a new pan-European coastline-migration map that covers a consistent time period relevant for present-day coastal-zone management, eliminates data gaps, and portrays a single coastline indicator that is assumed to correspond to the mid-tide land-water boundary. As part of EMODnet-Geology, Gerben Hagenaars at Deltares performed an analysis for tens of thousands of transects with a spacing of 500 meters, giving a map resolution of 1:1,000,000.