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Joint Nature Conservation Committee

162 record(s)
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    This dataset consists of surveys entered by JNCC.

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    Extract of the publicly available offshore UK marine benthic data holdings of JNCC (Joint Nature Conservation Committee), held within the “Marine Recorder” data management system. Data comprises multi-thematic benthic surveys in the offshore, including both taxa occurrence and abundance alongside physical and biotope recordings. This dataset is being used as a pilot study into submitting fully classified biotope data into OBIS alongside associated taxonomic occurrences under the EU EMODnet initiative.

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    Records of cetaceans encountered during ESAS surveys in NE Atlantic from 1980 to 2003.

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    This dataset contains information on infaunal abundance and biomass from sediment grabs in Red Bay, Co. Antrim in 2004 on the RV Lough Foyle. The data from this survey was used to help support the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) site designation for Red Bay, Co. Antrim. A day grab was used to collect the samples, in total there were 20 samples taken and analysed. Particle Size Analysis (PSA) and Carbon - Nitrogen analysis was carried out on the sediments from the grab. The presence and absence of Maerl (alive or dead) was also recorded. The most abundant species found was Calcarea sp. and the most frequently recorded was the polychaete Glycera lapidium.

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    The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) undertook an offshore seabed survey of Barmade Bank on the MRV Endeavour in March 2012 (Cruise Code: CEND0412) as part of a Cefas Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) verification survey of Barmade Bank; Compass Rose; and Farnes East. A total of 266 still images were collected across 16 stations at Barmade Bank.

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    This layer shows the current known extent of biogenic substrate in European waters. This product was first produced in 2021 with the aim to add a new class of substrate into the EUSeaMap substrate layer. This was required in order to classify the EUSeaMap broad-scale habitat map according to the 2019 version of the EUNIS habitat classification system, which includes a biogenic substrate category. This layer has been updated in 2023 to feed into an updated version of EUSeaMap. The geographic extent of this product was extended in 2023 to include jurisdictional waters (including continental shelf and claimed extended continental shelf) of EU Member States, the United Kingdom (UK) and Norway including areas in the Caribbean Sea.

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    This layer shows the current known extent and distribution of Coralligenous and other calcareous bioconcretions in the Mediterranean. The point and polygon layers were last updated in 2023 by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. The data product was first created in 2021 with the aim to produce a data product that would provide the best compilation of evidence for this habitat, as described in the "Action Plan for the protection of the coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions in the Mediterranean". This data product contains large data gaps and should be viewed as incomplete.

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    The OSPAR EUNIS Combined map is a full-coverage map displaying the best available habitat data within the reporting region of the North-East Atlantic, classifying habitats to EUNIS 2007 - 2011 level 3 where possible. The product integrates fine, medium and broad-scale habitat maps from survey and fills in any gaps using EUSeaMap 2021.

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    EUNIS 2007-11 habitat map created from data collected on the CEND2213 2013/11/04 survey to North Norfolk Sandbank and Saturn Reef. Sublittoral sediments defined using acoustic and groundtruth data. Survey Techniques: 40 transects. Sidescan sonar and multibeam echosounder, dropcam video tows and still photography. Infaunal sample and particle size analysis (PSA) carried out on 0.1m2 Hamon grab samples. The habitat map was produced using EUNIS classes obtained from PSA data and interpretations from still images, to inform the semi-automated object-based imagery analysis (OBIA). The OBIA divides the bathymetry and backscatter data into meaningful objects based on their spectral and spatial characteristics, which can then be classified using the ground-truthed data.

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    Habitat map created from data collected on the NLV Polestar 2012 survey to Stanton Banks. Sublittoral sediments defined using acoustic and groundtruth data. Initially classified in the MNCR system and subsequently translated in to EUNIS 20017-11. Survey Techniques: Multibeam echosounder, dropcam video tows and still photography. Infaunal sample and particle size analysis (PSA) carried out on 0.1m2 Day grab samples. The habitat map was produced using EUNIS classes obtained from PSA data and interpretations from still images.