EMODNet Bathymetry
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Satellite-derived intertidal bathymetry for the Danish Wadden on the West coast of Denmark
The data have been acquired with a SeaBat RESON 7125 (frequency 450kHz and depth up to 150 m) multibeam echosounder mounted on board of the research vessel "Minerva 1" (party chief F. G. Falese) between 27 september and 5 october 2016. The main objective of this cruise was the search of relict sand deposits potentially exploitable for beach nourishment on these continental shelves. Weather and marine conditions were fair during the acquisition.
High resolution composite DTM based on multi beam surveys in Kiel Bay. All data acquired in the years 2013-2016.
The data were acquired with a Simrad EM710 Multi Beam echosounder onboard the R/V Urania in order to cover the outer Malta Plateau and upper Malta Escarpment for a geological survey in the framework of EU FP7 project EUROFLEETS. The data were published in: Micallef, A., Georgiopoulou, A., Le Bas, T., Mountjoy, J.J., Huvenne, V., Lo Iacono, C., 2013. The Malta-Sicily Escarpment: Mass Movement dynamics in a sediment-undersupplied margin, in: Krastel, S., Berhmann, J.H., Volker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J.D., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 317-328.
High resolution composite DTM based on multi beam surveys in Flensburg Bay. All data acquired in the years 2012-2013.
High resolution composite DTM based on multi beam surveys in German Bodden waters. All data acquired in 2016.
Bathymetric data were collected on the Gorringe Bank, located along the Europe-Africa obliquely convergent plate boundary offshore SW Portugal. The high-resolution swath bathymetry dataset allowed the investigation of the shallow-depth structure of the Horseshoe Seamounts. Data were collected by means of the MBES system Reson SeaBat8101. The MBES was hull-mounted on a 60 meters long vessel. The MBES has 101 beams 1,5° x 1,5°; the operational frequency was 240 kHz. A LandStar 12 channel DGPS system was used for ship positioning and a motion sensor TSS-DMS02-05 was used to provide corrections for attitude data. A Sound Velocity Sensor was installed near the transducers thus providing realtime sound speed for beam steering. A sound velocity profiler Reson SVP20 was lowered through the water column every 6–8 h to get the velocity profile required for the depth computation. The bathymetric data were processed using the PDS2000 software. Data de-spiking was carried out without the application of automatic filters in order to preserve data accuracy and resolution.
Grid processed for the purpose of the HR DTMs layer of EMODnet Bathymetry HRSM project, October 2020
This Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a high resolution bathymetry dataset that covers MEDOC survey. Multibeam data acquired in 2010 on board the R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa using an Atlas Hydrosweep DS-3 multi-beam echosounder.
The data were acquired with a Simrad EM710 Multi Beam echosounder onboard the R/V Urania in order to cover the outer Malta Plateau and upper Malta Escarpment for a geological survey in the framework of EU FP7 project EUROFLEETS. The data were published in: Micallef, A., Georgiopoulou, A., Le Bas, T., Mountjoy, J.J., Huvenne, V., Lo Iacono, C., 2013. The Malta-Sicily Escarpment: Mass Movement dynamics in a sediment-undersupplied margin, in: Krastel, S., Berhmann, J.H., Volker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J.D., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 317-328.