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    Seabed habitat map (EUNIS classification system) performed by Asconit Consultants (mandatary), UPVD, LECOB, OCEANIDE & ADENA within the framework of CARTHAM ("cartographie des habitats marins") project coordinated by the French Biodiversity Agency (Agence fran├ºaise pour la biodiversit├®, AFB). Digital data sources : Side scan sonar (2010-2012), acoustic telemeter (2011), bathymetrics, kriging interpolation (2012). Ground truth data sources : Diving (2011-2012), Van Veen grab (2010-2011), ROV (2011-2013). Map confidence rated by Ifremer : 92% (Areas with doubtful outlines and/or classification are mentioned in the "VAL_COMM" field ).

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    Seabed habitat map ('Typologie des biocenoses de Mediterranee' classification system) performed by Asconit Consultants (mandatary), UPVD, LECOB, OCEANIDE & ADENA within the framework of CARTHAM ("cartographie des habitats marins") project coordinated by the French Biodiversity Agency (Agence fran├ºaise pour la biodiversit├®, AFB). Digital data sources : historical maps (1986). Ground truth data sources :Van Veen grab (2010-2011). Map confidence rated by Ifremer : 64%

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    Seabed habitat map (EUNIS classification system) performed by Asconit Consultants (mandatary), UPVD, LECOB, OCEANIDE & ADENA within the framework of CARTHAM ("cartographie des habitats marins") project coordinated by the French Biodiversity Agency (Agence fran├ºaise pour la biodiversit├®, AFB). Digital data sources : Side scan sonar (2010-2012), bathymetrics, kriging interpolation (2012), historical maps (1993). Ground truth data sources : Diving (2011-2012), Van Veen grab (2010-2011), ROV (2011-2013). Map confidence rated by Ifremer : 82%.