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    EMODnet Bathymetry has adopted the CDI Data Discovery & Access service as developed and operated by SeaDataNet, the pan-European network of NODCs, to bring together and provide access to available high resolution bathymetric survey data sets from many data providers, such as National Hydrographic Institutes, Research Institutes, and Survey companies. All bathymetric survey data are described with INSPIRE compliant metadata, following the CDI metadata profile, based on ISO 19115 – 19139 standards. This way, the CDI service gives users a highly detailed insight in the availability and geographical spreading of bathymetric survey data sets that are acquired and managed by an increasing group of data providers and for which users can request access for downloading. The CDI metadata are public domain and freely available for all users. However, a major part of the survey data sets is not freely available and requires negotiation with the data owners. The SeaDataNet CDI search, shopping and tracking mechanism facilitates identifying and requesting access to these background data sets from data providers. Note that all data sets are used internally with permission of the data owners for contributing to the EMODnet Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for the European sea regions. The service URL is : The layer in the Map Viewer facilitates users to view the locations of the CDI entries and to retrieve details of individual surveys by clicking on the map. From there users are linked to the actual CDI Data Discovery and Access service ( for performing more queries and submitting requests for data access.

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    EMODnet Physics - TSM_NorthSea - Concentration of total suspended matter (conc_tsm, mg/l) is a product of the Coastcolour L2W Concentrations Data, obtained from the OC4 algorithm for clear and moderate turbid waters, and from the CoastColour v1 neural network.The L2W product was then remapped on a regular grid, maintaining the 300 m full resolution, in order to obtain L3 products over the North Sea and monthly averaged. Developed by EMODnet Physics.

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    Circalittoral faunal turfs are animal-dominated shelf assemblages that are found on hard substrata between the lower limit of the infralittoral zone and the shelf edge. Benthic organisms generally form dense intricate mixes that may include tall alcyonarians, sponges, hydroids, scleractinians and gorgonians, as well as less prominent fauna such as encrusting sponges, bryozoans, ascidians, bivalves, solitary cup corals, serpulid worms and vermetid gastropods.

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    <p>Plankton observations along the South Brazilian Shelf, with a focus on the Cabo Frio Upwelling System. The sampling was done using images generated by an in-situ imaging device, the Lightframe On-Sight Key Species Investigation (LOKI): An underwater camera system designed for vertical hauls for continuous, in-situ imaging of zooplankton. It is equipped with an environmental sensor (CTD) that measured the density of the water column, salinity, oxygen concentration and temperature.</p>

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    Black corals are antipatharian corals that occur from sublittoral to abyssal depths on hard, mixed and soft substrates. Under favourable conditions, some black coral species form dense stands known as black coral gardens which create habitat for a variety of associated species.

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    Rhodoliths is a general term used to designate non-geniculate coralline red algae (Rhodophyta) that live unattached (Riosmena-Rodríguez, 2017). The term is used here to encompass (i) branched free-living coralline algae devoid of an evident nucleus, but also (ii) nucleated nodules where the biogenic calcium carbonate deposit around the core represents >50%, as well as (iii) “coated grains” where the core is larger than the algal carbonate component.

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    Gridded product for visualization of Water body dissolved oxygen concentration in the Black Sea generated by DIVA 4.6.11 using all EMODNET Chemistry data from 1970 to 2014. Depth range (IODE standard depths): 0 – 250m. DIVA settings: signal-to-noise ratio and correlation length were estimated using data mean distance as a minimum (for L), and both parameters vertically filtered. Background field: the data mean value is subtracted from the data. Detrending of data: no. Advection constraint applied: no. Every year of the time dimension corresponds to a 10-year centred average for each season: - winter: December - February, - spring: March - May, - summer: June - August, - autumn: September – November Units: umol/l

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    Multibeam bathymetry collected from Asköfjärden and Fifång Deep, east of Askö Island in southern Stockholm archipelago. The data were collected with Stockholm University research vessels (RV) Electra and Skidbladner between 2012 and 2018 for multiple purposes. Some of the data were collected as a part of a course in marine geophysical mapping at Stockholm University. The processing of the raw data was carried out using the Qimera software by QPS. The data have been cleared for public release by the Swedish Maritime Administration.

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    High Resolution DTM of the German Elbe Approach.

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    High resolution composite DTM based on single beam, multi beam and Lidar covering Norderney and waters in proximty. All data was acquired in the year 2016. Data used:SDN:CPRD:1850_DGM_Norderney_2016