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EMODnet Physics - Absolute Sea Level Trends - trends are derived from the DUACS delayed-time (DT-2018 version) altimeter gridded maps of sea level anomalies based on a stable number of altimeters (two) in the satellite constellation.
EMODnet Physics - Absolute Sea Level Trends - trends are derived from the DUACS delayed-time (DT-2018 version) altimeter gridded maps of sea level anomalies based on a stable number of altimeters (two) in the satellite constellation
The Global Ocean Data Analysis Project (GLODAP) is a synthesis activity for ocean surface to bottom biogeochemical data collected through chemical analysis of water samples. Data for 12 core variables (salinity, oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, silicate, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, pH, CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113 and CCl4) are subjected to primary and secondary quality control to identify outliers and correct for measurement biases.
EMODnet Physics - Collection of Water Surface Height Above a Specific Datum (SLEV) TimeSeries - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation. Water Surface Height Above a Specific Datum (SLEV) TimeSeries. EMODnet Physics data from a local source.
EMODnet Physics - Collection of Water Surface Height Above a Specific Datum (SLEV) TimeSeries - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation. Water Surface Height Above a Specific Datum (SLEV) TimeSeries. EMODnet Physics data from a local source.