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This composite Digital Terrain Model (cDTM) is a high resolution bathymetry dataset that covers bathymetry surveys INDEMARES-2, ABIDES-2, ABIDES-3, ABIDES-ROV and ABIDES-5 . Multibeam data acquired in 2010, 2017 and 2018 on board the R/V Garcia del Cid using a Elac Seabeam 1050D echosounder and in 2017 on board the Sarmiento de Gamboa using an Atlas Hydrosweep DS-3 multi-beam echosounder.
This Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a high resolution bathymetry dataset that covers MEDOC survey. Multibeam data acquired in 2010 on board the R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa using an Atlas Hydrosweep DS-3 multi-beam echosounder.
This composite Digital Terrain Model (cDTM) is a high resolution bathymetry dataset that covers bathymetry surveys INSIGHT_LEG1, FRAME-OBS, FRAME-MCS and INSIGHT_LEG2 . Multibeam data acquired in 2018 and 2019 on board the R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa using an Atlas Hydrosweep DS-3 multi-beam echosounder.
The data have been acquired with a SeaBat RESON 7125 (frequency 450kHz and depth up to 150 m) multibeam echosounder mounted on board of the research vessel "Minerva 1" (party chief F. G. Falese) between 27 september and 5 october 2016. The main objective of this cruise was the search of relict sand deposits potentially exploitable for beach nourishment on these continental shelves. Weather and marine conditions were fair during the acquisition.
The data have been acquired with a SeaBat RESON 8125 (455kHz) e Seabat RESON 8160 (50 kHz) multibeam echosounders mounted on board of the research vessel "Universitatis" (chief scientist F.L. Chiocci; party chief F. Falese). The main objective of this cruise was the search of relict sand deposits potentially exploitable for beach nourishment on these continental shelves. Weather conditions were good during the acquisition.
Satellite-derived intertidal bathymetry for the Danish Wadden on the West coast of Denmark
Grid processed for the purpose of the HR DTMs layer of EMODnet Bathymetry HRSM, October 2020
Grid processed in the framework of EMODnet Bathymetry HRSM, October 2020
Grid processed for the purpose of the HR DTMs layer of EMODnet Bathymetry HRSM project, October 2020
Grid processed for the purpose of the HR DTMs layer of EMODnet Bathymetry HRSM, October 2020