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Collection of sea density (sigma-theta) (DENS) Profiles
EMODnet Physics - Collection of platforms metadata - updated daily
EMODnet Physics - Collection of generic significant wave height (Hs) (VGHS) TimeSeries - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation
EMODnet Physics - Collection of total chlorophyll (CHLT) Profiles - MultiPointProfilesObservation
EMODnet Physics - Collection of wave direction rel. true north (VDIR) TimeSeries - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation
The data set consists of maps of total velocity of the surface currents in the German Bight. Surface ocean velocities estimated by High Frequency (HF) Radar are representative of the upper 0.3-2.5 meters of the ocean.
EMODnet Physics - Collection of dissolved oxygen (DOXY) Profiles - MultiPointProfilesObservation
EMODnet Physics - Collection of practical salinity (PSAL) Profiles - MultiPointProfilesObservation
EMODnet Physics - Collection of sea density (sigma-theta) (DENS) TimeSeries - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation
EMODnet Physics - Collection of sea temperature (TEMP) TimeSeries - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation