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    Mapped Habitats, captured from multibeam bathymetry and derived layers by geophysicist and ecologist. JNCC undertook a survey with Marine Scotland Science to Pobie Bank Reef cSAC with the aim of gathering high quality evidence to better ascertain the distribution of bedrock and stony reef for the development of management advice. Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data and sidescan sonar data were collected, as were benthic infaunal and PSA samples and underwater stills and video imagery. Data were gathered from the FRV Scotia from 23rd August to 6th September 2013. Data (acoustic and underwater camera tow video and stills) from two SEA surveys undertaken at Pobie Bank Reef cSAC in 2003 and 2006 were made available and utilised in the analysis. Also available is a biological data interpretation report based on these data. The report was prepared by Envision in 2009, and contains the most recent habitat map for Pobie Bank Reef cSAC.

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    Predicted distribution of biotopes using data from SEA surveys from 2003 & 2006 together with BGS data.

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    A mapping survey of the bottom substrates of the Firth of Forth for SEPA with Heriot Watt University.

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    Temporal survey around dredged material disposal site 'TY070' (approx 8 x 4 km) off North Tyne, to assess utility of techniques for seabed mapping and monitoring. Pilot survey in 2001 using sidescan, AGDS, drop camera, grabs and trawls. 100% sidescan mosaics in 2002, 2003, 2004. Multibeam surveys in 2003, 2004. AGDS surveys in 2003, 2003. Outputs from each years acoustic surveys were used to delineate 'acoustically distinct areas' which were then ground-truthed using grabs, trawls & video (& sediment profile imagery in 2003). AGDS data (RoxAnn & QTC) subject to supervised & unsupervised classification for conparison across years [Supervised classification for QTC only, for 2001, 2002 & 2003. Supervision based on sediment type (Folk classification), faunal classes, and sediment/bedform types identified from sidescan mosaic]. Polygonised map submitted is for the 2004 survey, showing seabed character (substrate & bedform) interpreted from sidescan mosaics. Habitat/biotope classification not attempted.

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    Envision Mapping Ltd was contracted to undertake a survey of the Moray Firth cSAC within the 30m contour. The purpose was to map the main sediment features and biota using acoustic remote sensing techniques combined with grab and video sampling. A RoxAnn? acoustic ground discrimination system was used in conjunction with a GeoSwath? interferometric swath bathymetric system. The survey was comprehensive (100% cover with the swath system or a minimum track spacing of 80m) over priority areas but incomplete over areas outside these priority areas. The biotopes were classified using the most recent Marine Habitat Classification (Connor et al. 2004) using a combination of multivariate analysis and video analysis and matching the characterising species to the classification system.

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    Envision Mapping Ltd was contracted to undertake a survey of the Moray Firth cSAC within the 30m contour. The purpose was to map the main sediment features and biota using acoustic remote sensing techniques combined with grab and video sampling. A RoxAnn? acoustic ground discrimination system was used in conjunction with a GeoSwath? interferometric swath bathymetric system. The survey was comprehensive (100% cover with the swath system or a minimum track spacing of 80m) over priority areas but incomplete over areas outside these priority areas. The biotopes were classified using the most recent Marine Habitat Classification (Connor et al. 2004) using a combination of multivariate analysis and video analysis and matching the characterising species to the classification system.

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    This dataset is a biotope map of the intertidal area around Mousa, Shetland. The survey visited the island of Mousa cSAC in August and September 2003 with the aim of providing a comprehensive broad scale intertidal and subtidal biotope distribution map of Mousa cSAC. Particular emphasis was placed upon the mapping and recording of the reef and cave communities present on the island.

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    This dataset is a subtidal lifeforms map for the area around Mousa, Shetland. The survey visited the island of Mousa cSAC in August and September 2003 with the aim of providing a comprehensive broad scale intertidal and subtidal biotope distribution map of Mousa cSAC. Particular emphasis was placed upon the mapping and recording of the reef and cave communities present on the island.

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    A biotope mapping survey of the intertidal and subtidal habitats within the Firth of Tay and Eden Estuary cSAC was undertaken in the summer of 2002, by a collaborative research group from the University of St Andrews, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh University and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). Mapping of the intertidal area of the cSAC was accomplished principally through the employment of satellite imagery. This imagery was ground truthed by data from intertidal surveys. This information supplemented the existing knowledge on the distribution of marine communities and sediments within the cSAC and all this information was used to produce a series of biotope classification maps.

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    As part of the Forth Spatial Study the intertidal and subtidal areas of the Isle of May cSAC, and a surrounding 1km wide buffer zone were surveyed to provide a comprehensive broad scale biotope distribution map of the area. This dataset is an intertidal biotope map of the island.