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Pan-European map visualization, at a range of scales, indicating lower, intermediate, and higher levels of coastline resilience and vulnerability. The resilience of a system is defined as its ability to withstand and recover from a major disruption, whereas vulnerability is a measure of the susceptibility of a system to change. Higher resilience reduces susceptibility and thus vulnerability to change. Higher levels of resilience/lower levels of vulnerability are shown in light blue, intermediate levels in mid-blue and lower levels of resilience/higher levels of vulnerability in dark blue. The dataset is constructed by Edge Hill University with data provided by partners of EMODnet Geology. For the purpose of visualization, the dataset is built from the coastline as a line representation at the highest zoom levels, towards points showing averages of the resilience/vulnerability of the coastline underneath. This approach gives a good overview of regional differences in resilience/vulnerability. The current version was finalized in July 2024. [insert link to paper]
Pan-European map visualization, at a range of scales, indicating lower, intermediate, and higher levels of coastline resilience and vulnerability. The resilience of a system is defined as its ability to withstand and recover from a major disruption, whereas vulnerability is a measure of the susceptibility of a system to change. Higher resilience reduces susceptibility and thus vulnerability to change. Higher levels of resilience/lower levels of vulnerability are shown in light blue, intermediate levels in mid-blue and lower levels of resilience/higher levels of vulnerability in dark blue. The dataset is constructed by Edge Hill University with data provided by partners of EMODnet Geology. For the purpose of visualization, the dataset is built from the coastline as a line representation at the highest zoom levels, towards points showing averages of the resilience/vulnerability of the coastline underneath. This approach gives a good overview of regional differences in resilience/vulnerability. The current version was finalized in July 2024. [insert link to paper]
This dataset provides a map of coastal wetlands from the Finnish coastline. The map is produced from the scope and coverage of peatbogs and wetlands (incl. reed beds) datasets provided by Finnish Environment Institute. The data has been prepared to contain only the coastal wetlands and translated to RAMSAR classifications.
The map shows the distribution of nursery areas in the Italian seas in autumn of Aristeus antennatus. Species data, collected during national trawl survey campains in the period 1994-1996, were elaborated using spatial analysis. The distribution maps were included on a CDROM in their native GIS format and also in PDF format. For more information refer to "GD Ardizzone, F Corsi, S Agnesi, 1999 - Atlante delle Risorse Ittiche Demersali Italiane triennio 1994-1996. Ministero per le Politiche Agricole (RM)
Confidence in the classification of energy level in the EUSeaMap (2023) broad-scale predictive habitat map. Values are on a range from 1 (Low confidence), 2 (Moderate confidence), 3 (High confidence). Energy level is one of the layers of information used to categorise physical habitat types in EUSeaMap; these layers of information are collectively known as 'habitat descriptors'. Confidence in the classification of an energy level at any location is driven by both the confidence in the values of the input variables, and the confidence in the classification based on proximity to, and uncertainty in, the boundary between classes (i.e. areas closer to a boundary between two classes will have lower confidence). Layers are also available showing confidence in the values of the input variables used to model energy levels (kinetic energy at the seabed and wave exposure). A report on the methods used in the 2023 version of EUSeaMap and reports on previous versions (v2019 and V2021) are linked in Online Resources. Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium.
Classified seabed substrate types for European seas. Produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats as an input layer for the 2023 EUSeaMap broad-scale habitat model, based on a combination of EMODnet Geology seabed substrate products and biological substrates extracted form individual habitat maps from surveys around European seas. The extent of the mapped area includes the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, and areas of the North Eastern Atlantic extending from the Canary Islands in the south to the Barents Sea in the north. The layer of seabed substrate was produced using data from EMODnet geology at the following scales: - 1:5k, 1:10k, 1:15k, 1:20k, 1:25k, 1:50k, 1:100k, 1:200k, 1:1M (these were all update in 2023) Biological substrates were included in the 2023 version of EUSeaMap to assist in the classification of biogenic habitats for the 2019 version of EUNIS. The Folk 5 classification of substrate is adopted because it is compatible with both the 2007-11 and 2019 versions of EUNIS, both of which have been applied in EUSeaMap 2023. A report on the methods used in the 2023 version of EUSeaMap and reports on previous versions (v2019 and V2021) are linked in Online Resources.
Confidence in the classification of substrate type in the 2023 EUSeaMap broad-scale predictive habitat map. Values are on a range from 1 (Low confidence), 2 (Moderate confidence), 3 (High confidence). Substrate type is one of the layers of information used to categorise physical habitat types in EUSeaMap; these layers of information are collectively known as 'habitat descriptors'. The substrate layer confidence was obtained from reclassification and standardisation of the confidence scores associated with each primary layer used to create the Substrate types layer. A report on the methods used in the 2023 version of EUSeaMap and reports on previous versions (v2019 and V2021) are linked in Online Resources.
Energy class layer produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats as an input layer for the 2023 EUSeaMap broad-scale habitat model. The extent of the mapped area includes the Baltic Sea, and areas of the North Eastern Atlantic and Arctic extending from the Canary Islands in the south to Norway in the North. The map of energy classes was produced using underlying wave and current data and thresholds derived from statistical analyses or expert judgement on known conditions. This layer was updated in EUSeaMap 2023 using a new wave Kinetic energy at the seabed layer for the European Shelf area. A report on the methods used in the 2023 version of EUSeaMap and reports on previous versions (v2019 and V2021) are linked in Online Resources.
Confidence in the classification of biological zones in the EUSeaMap (2023) broad-scale predictive habitat map. Values are on a range from 1 (Low confidence), 2(Moderate confidence) and 3 (High confidence). Biological Zone is one of the layers of information used to categorise physical habitat types in EUSeaMap; these layers of information are collectively known as 'habitat descriptors'. Confidence in the classification of a Biological Zone at any location is driven by both the confidence in the values of the input variables, and the confidence in the classification based on proximity to, and uncertainty in, the boundary between classes (i.e. areas closer to a boundary between two classes will have lower confidence). Layers are also available showing confidence in the values of the input variables used to model Biological Zones. Detailed information on the modelling process is found in the EMODnet Seabed Habitats technical reports and its appendices (links in Resources). Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium.
Confidence in the classification of the EUNIS 2007 habitat types in the EUSeaMap (2023) broad-scale predictive habitat map. Values are 1 (Low confidence), 2 (Moderate confidence) or 3 (High confidence). The final habitat type is classified by overlaying several layers of information; these layers of information are collectively known as 'habitat descriptors'. Habitat descriptors differ per region but include: Biological zone Energy class Oxygen regime Salinity regime Seabed substrate Riverine input The confidence in the classification of the habitat type is taken as the minimum of the confidence in all of the relevant habitat descriptors at that location. Confidence values are also available for each habitat descriptor and input data layer. Detailed information on the modelling process is found in the EMODnet Seabed Habitats technical reports and its appendices (links in Resources). Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium. Credit: Licensed under CC-BY 4.0 from the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) Seabed Habitats initiative (www.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu), funded by the European Commission. It is important to note that a habitat type confidence score is only relevant to that particular level of the classification system. For example, a cell of A3.1 high energy infralittoral rock with ÔÇÿlowÔÇÖ energy class confidence, ÔÇÿmoderateÔÇÖ biozone confidence and ÔÇÿhighÔÇÖ substrate type confidence would have an overall ÔÇÿlowÔÇÖ confidence. However, moving up the hierarchy to EUNIS level two (A3 infralittoral rock) removes the energy class; therefore, the confidence of the EUNIS level two habitat type would only consider the ÔÇÿmoderateÔÇÖ biozone confidence and ÔÇÿhighÔÇÖ substrate type confidence, resulting in an overall ÔÇÿmoderateÔÇÖ confidence.