Sonar and seismics
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Transit across the North Atlantic of the survey vessel Fugro Gauss using Kongsberg EM124 Multi Beam Echo Sounder in high seas.
Seismic profile obtained with 4 Sleeve Gun canyons (3 Bolt model 1900LL and 1 Bolt model 1500LL), operating at 140 bars (2000 psi), and 40 channel, 150 m long streamer. Processed: bandpass filtering
This data has served to provide information about the morphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, tectonics in the Galicia Bank Region, particularly its SW flank, in order to define the geohazards at the location of the Prestige wreck.
Seismic profile obtained with 4 Sleeve Gun canyons (3 Bolt model 1900LL and 1 Bolt model 1500LL), operating at 140 bars (2000 psi), and 40 channel, 150 m long streamer. Processed: bandpass filtering
Seismic profile obtained with 4 Sleeve Gun canyons (3 Bolt model 1900LL and 1 Bolt model 1500LL), operating at 140 bars (2000 psi), and 40 channel, 150 m long streamer. Processed: bandpass filtering
This data has served to provide information about the morphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, tectonics in the Galicia Bank Region, particularly its SW flank, in order to define the geohazards at the location of the Prestige wreck.
This data has served to provide information about the morphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, tectonics in the Galicia Bank Region, particularly its SW flank, in order to define the geohazards at the location of the Prestige wreck.
This data has served to provide information about the morphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, tectonics in the Galicia Bank Region, particularly its SW flank, in order to define the geohazards at the location of the Prestige wreck.
This data has served to provide information about the morphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, tectonics in the Galicia Bank Region, particularly its SW flank, in order to define the geohazards at the location of the Prestige wreck.
Seismic profile obtained with 4 Sleeve Gun canyons (3 Bolt model 1900LL and 1 Bolt model 1500LL), operating at 140 bars (2000 psi), and 40 channel, 150 m long streamer. Processed: bandpass filtering