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These data comes from field observation of this protected benthic species within the boundaries of the Circeo National Park
The dataset contains information regarding marine litter on the Romanian beaches, collected during 3 seasons: winter, spring and autumn. The methodology used is MSFD related and 9 beach sectors were monitored, from Vama Veche (South) to Edighiol (DanuBe Delta Biosphere Reserve).
Annual sea surface water monitoring (chemical, bacteriological analysis)
Annual sea surface water monitoring (chemical, bacteriological analysis)
Annual sea surface water monitoring (chemical, bacteriological analysis)
Annual sea surface water monitoring (chemical, bacteriological analysis)
Annual sea surface water monitoring (chemical, bacteriological analysis)
Annual sea surface water monitoring (chemical, bacteriological analysis)
This dataset includes 3D sagittal left otolith meshes obtained from 339 individual red mullet (Mullus barbatus) specimens. These samples were collected from 17 distinct geographical locations spanning the whole Mediterranean Sea. Recorded biological parameters include fish total length (TL, ranging from 125 to 238 mm), total weight (W, ranging from 14.9 to 168.0 g), sex, and sexual maturity staging. The 3D otolith dataset consists of high-resolution meshes obtained through microtomography (29.2 m voxel size). The dataset provides valuable insights into the morphological variability and population structure of red mullet populations in the Mediterranean Sea. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Annual sea surface water monitoring (chemical, bacteriological analysis)