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  • MARLEY (Monitoring deep-seA coRaL EcosYstems) is a deep seafloor observing system dedicated to the monitoring of cold-water coral habitats. The system is deployed in the Lampaul canyon off Brittany, France since August 2021 and maintained each year during the ChEReef-Obs cruises. The study site is a coral garden dominated by Madrepora oculata, located on a sedimented platform at 780 m depth. MARLEY is equipped with a CTD SBE 37-SIP, an oxygen optode Aanderaa (4330 or 4831), an ADCP Teledyne RDI Workhorse 300kHz, a turbidity sensor Wetlabs ECO NTU (sensitivity: 0-1000 NTU), a sediment trap Technicap PPS 4/3 – 24 bottles and a camera module. The camera module, which can be moved from up to 30 m from the main station, is equipped with a camera AXIS Q1786, two flash lights and a fluorometer & scattering meter SEA-BIRD ECO FLNTU. All sensors are controlled and synchronised by the Communication and Storage Front-end - 2nd generation (COSTOF2), which is also managing data storage. Optical sensors are protected from fouling by electrochlorination (20 seconds, each 6 hours). The oxygen optode is calibrated each year prior to deployment. These datasets provide raw data from the oxygen optode Aandera 4831, the CTD Seabird SBE37, the Wetlabs ECO NTU and the SEAR-BIRD ECO FLNTU covering the period 28/08/2021 to 19/01/2022, with a frequency of 15 minutes. Data from Wetlabs ECO NTU include raw counts and Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) derived from manufacturer’s calibration with Scale Factor = 0.0611 and Dark Counts = 50. Data form SEABIRD ECO FLNTU include raw counts at 695 nm (Chlorophyll) and 700 nm (Turbidity). Chlorophyll concentration (µg/l) is derived from manufacturer’s calibration with Scale Factor = 0.0180 and Dark Counts = 48. Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) is derived from manufacturer’s calibration with Scale Factor = 0.0481 and Dark Counts = 50. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • 40 CTD casts collected by Marine Scotland Science on cruise FRV Scotia 0718S in the North Sea and North East Atlantic Ocean.

  • 86 CTD casts collected by Marine Scotland Science on cruise FRV Scotia 1119S in the North Sea.

  • 19 CTD casts collected by Marine Scotland Science on cruise FRV Scotia 1319S in the North East Atlantic Ocean.

  • 83 CTD casts collected by Marine Scotland Science on cruise FRV Scotia 1818S in the North Sea and North East Atlantic Ocean.

  • 96 CTD casts collected by Marine Scotland Science on cruise FRV Scotia 1418S in the North Sea and North East Atlantic Ocean.

  • 75 CTD casts collected by Marine Scotland Science on cruise FRV Scotia 0618S in the North Sea and North East Atlantic Ocean.

  • 56 CTD casts collected by Marine Scotland Science on cruise FRV Scotia 0318S in the Inner Seas off the west coast of Scotland and North East Atlantic Ocean.

  • 68 CTD casts collected by Marine Scotland Science on cruise FRV Scotia 1819S in the North Sea and North East Atlantic Ocean.

  • 85 CTD casts collected by Marine Scotland Science on cruise FRV Scotia 1519S in the North Sea and North East Atlantic Ocean.