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GEMS Survey Ltd. (GEMS) were contracted by Forewind Limited to undertake a bathymetric and geophysical survey of the Tranche A development area and two met mast locations (which were later revised) within the Dogger Bank Zone, in addition to a cable reconnaissance from Tranche A to the Yorkshire coastline. This survey was carried out between 8 July 2010 and 26 December 2010. The primary objectives of the survey were to produce sufficiently high resolution bathymetric and geophysical data and interpretations to allow regional interpretation for planning and modelling purposes; for met mast design to commence and to provide high quality data to inform further benthic and environmental surveys. GEMS supplied interpreted datasets compatible with ESRI ArcGIS software. The GIS data included bathymetry, sidescan sonar mosaics, seabed features, sediments and obstructions.
Gardline Geosurvey Limited was contracted by Forewind Limited to survey the Dogger Bank Wind Farm Area between 04-Apr-2013 and 02-Aug-2013; work was undertaken on the inter project cable route corridors, the Tranche C zonal survey and the Met Mast West. The aim of the surveys was to carry out a geophysical investigation that would broadly assess the entire developable area of the zone and route. Seabed information was required in order to inform the site selection process and enable preliminary foundation design to be undertaken. The geological data acquisition programme was carried out on M.V. Sea Surveyor, which sailed from Hull and returned to Blyth upon completion of survey operations and M.V. Vigilant which sailed from Great Yarmouth and to where they returned upon completion of survey operations. This dataset is MBES (MultiBeamEchoSounder) data obtained using a Simrad EM710. Processed using Caris HIPS and SIPS 7.1 to produce a digital terrain model (dtm) of the bathymetric surface. Available in the following format: 1) xyz - space delimited text file of gridded bathymetry. Data stored as: Column One: Easting Column Two: Northing Column Three: Water Depth 2) Ungridded Soundings - space delimited text file of the 'point cloud' of MBES soundings. Data stored as: Column One: Easting Column Two: Northing Column Three: Water Depth 3) Arc ASCII grid - raster text file of gridded bathymetry.