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CTD measurements as a part of observation plan in the coastal area near Mersrags were performed within the project "AQUAFIMA – Integrating Aquaculture and Fisheries Management towards a sustainable regional development in the Baltic Sea Region". Observations were made at a potential fish spawning and nursing site in the coastal area of the Gulf of Riga in August 2013.
This dataset shows spawning and nursery grounds of commercially important species: Horse Mackerel.
The dataset indicates the location of dredge fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of polygon (Area_M2), and data type. This dataset was created in support of the Natura 2000 risk assessment in 2013. Please note that this dataset represents dredging activity for vessels <15 metres length in Irish waters.
Hydrographic conditions along a northeastern section off the eastern coast of Qatar Peninsula, Arabian Gulf were measured seasonally for the first time. Six sampling stations, along a 105-km section perpendicular to the major axis of the Gulf, were visited five times within one year (October 2012, January 2013, April 2013, June 2013, and August 2013) to investigate seasonal and spatial variations in hydrographic conditions of Qatar’s exclusive economic zone. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Coastal sea levels have been monitored for decades by networks of tide gauges in Bulgarian ports and harbors, established by a diverse range of organizations to fulfill their specific needs and requirements.Now the sea level stations are equipped with radar sensors.
Coastal sea levels have been monitored for decades by networks of tide gauges in Bulgarian ports and harbors, established by a diverse range of organizations to fulfill their specific needs and requirements.Now the sea level stations are equipped with radar sensors.
The Classified Bivalve Mollusc Production Areas in Ireland ( 2011/12) designates the production areas from which live bivalve molluscs may be taken. Gatherers may only harvest live bivalve molluscs from these production areas which have fixed locations and boundaries and which are classified - as being of class A, B or C in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 854/2004.
CTD data in the middle and south part of the Croatian Adriatic Sea in September of 2013 collecting during pelagic fish surveying
CTD data in the north part of the Croatian Adriatic Sea in September of 2013 collecting during pelagic fish surveying
Gardline Geosurvey Limited was contracted by Forewind Limited to survey the Dogger Bank Wind Farm Area between 04-Apr-2013 and 02-Aug-2013; work was undertaken on the inter project cable route corridors, the Tranche C zonal survey and the Met Mast West. The aim of the surveys was to carry out a geophysical investigation that would broadly assess the entire developable area of the zone and route. Seabed information was required in order to inform the site selection process and enable preliminary foundation design to be undertaken. The geological data acquisition programme was carried out on M.V. Sea Surveyor, which sailed from Hull and returned to Blyth upon completion of survey operations and M.V. Vigilant which sailed from Great Yarmouth and to where they returned upon completion of survey operations. This dataset is MBES (MultiBeamEchoSounder) data obtained using a Simrad EM710. Processed using Caris HIPS and SIPS 7.1 to produce a digital terrain model (dtm) of the bathymetric surface. Available in the following format: 1) xyz - space delimited text file of gridded bathymetry. Data stored as: Column One: Easting Column Two: Northing Column Three: Water Depth 2) Ungridded Soundings - space delimited text file of the 'point cloud' of MBES soundings. Data stored as: Column One: Easting Column Two: Northing Column Three: Water Depth 3) Arc ASCII grid - raster text file of gridded bathymetry.