Countryside Council for Wales (CCW)
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A collation of all mapped Saltmarsh habitats in Wales. This is a collation of Saltmarsh habitats (NVC Phase 2) mapped for SACs in Wales and Saltmarsh mapped from the 1:50,000 OS map.
A collation of all mapped Zostera habitats in Wales. This is a collation of Zostera habitats mapped by Intertidal Monitoring Contracts, Fisheries Sensitivity maps as well as point sources derived from casework site visits, CCW's data holdings in Marine Recorder and EAW WFD Monitoring Results. Zostera beds are an OSPAR Habitat, BAP Habitat and a sub-feature of Annex 1 habitat, mudflats and sandflats, large shallow inlets and bays, estuaries and sandbanks.
Acoustic mapping of the seabed of the Menai Strait. Local classification, seperated into acoustic ground characteristics: hard/soft and smooth/rough. Swellies.