

299 record(s)
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    Cymodocea nodosa meadows distribution in the south of Portugal from historical data. Data provided by the Life Project BIOMARES and published in: ÔÇ£Seagrasses in Portugal: A most endangered marine habitatÔÇØ. Aquatic Botany. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.08.007. ÔÇ£Estimation of available seagrass meadows area in Portugal for transplanting purposes ÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1100-1104)

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    Laminaria ochroleuca distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Project FindKelp and published in: ÔÇ£Findkelp, a GIS-based Community Participation Project to Assess Portuguese Kelp Conservation StatusÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1469-1473)

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    Saccorhiza polyschides distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Project FindKelp and published in: ÔÇ£Findkelp, a GIS-based Community Participation Project to Assess Portuguese Kelp Conservation StatusÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1469-1473)

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    Laminaria hyperborea distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Project FindKelp and published in: ÔÇ£Findkelp, a GIS-based Community Participation Project to Assess Portuguese Kelp Conservation StatusÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1469-1473)

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    Zostera marina meadows distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Life Project BIOMARES and published in: ÔÇ£Seagrasses in Portugal: A most endangered marine habitatÔÇØ. Aquatic Botany. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.08.007. ÔÇ£Estimation of available seagrass meadows area in Portugal for transplanting purposes ÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1100-1104)

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    Maerl beds distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data published in: ÔÇ£Present distribution of maerl beds in the Atlantic Iberian PeninsulaÔÇØ. Museologia Scientifica e Naturalista. Volume Speciale 2009

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    Zostera noltii meadows distribution in the Portuguese mainland from historical data. Data provided by the Life Project BIOMARES and published in: ÔÇ£Seagrasses in Portugal: A most endangered marine habitatÔÇØ. Aquatic Botany. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.08.007. ÔÇ£Estimation of available seagrass meadows area in Portugal for transplanting purposes ÔÇØ. Journal of Coastal Research (2009) :SI 56 (1100-1104)

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    Data were collected in the framework for the stablishment of the Capo Milazzo AMP. The study was founded by MATTM. The map was constructed by using acustic data, direct observations by ROV and satellite images.

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    The aim of the National Program for Mapping Biodiversity – Coast is to provide Norwegian managers and planners with maps of the distribution of marine habitats and key areas for species. The kelp was identified in the field using underwater video cameras and GPS and classified according to the routine established in the Norwegian National Program for Mapping Biodiversity – Coast. Kelp forests were defined as moderately dense and dense occurrences of kelp. Areas of kelp forest were modelled using different statistical methods (e.g. GAM, BRT, Maxent) based on point data collected along environmental gradients. These data include only the largest kelp forests.

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    The National Program for Mapping Biodiversity – Coast has had an aim to provide Norwegian managers and planners with maps of the distribution of marine habitats and key areas for species. Maerl beds have not been systematically mapped, but maerl coverage has been recorded whenever maerl has been observed. Maerl has been identified in the field using underwater video cameras and GPS and coverage has been defines into one of four classes (1-single observations, 2-scarce occurrences, 3-Moderately dense, 4-Dense/dominating). For some data, coverage has not been defined, and maerl has only been recorded as a presence. The data has been collected in northern Norway.