University of Aveiro
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The objective of this data collection was to analise the daily vertical migration of decapod larvae in the water column in the northwestern portuguese coast and to assess its correlations with environmental parameteres. In order to do this plankton samples were collected with Bongo nets, LHPR multisampler and Neuston net in a area between the north western Portuguese coast and the 10 °W and between the 40° and 42°N and, aditionally at a fixed location during a 67 hours period, every two hours. In the fixed sampling point a plankton trap was also deployed. The data set presented corresponds to the zooplankton analysed in all the samples taken. This work is part of the ProRecruit project, which aimed to describe the spatial and temporal variability of the recruitment of coastal invertebrate species that show a planktonic larvar phase in their lifecylce, and understand the impact of environmental variables which may control its supply to the coastal systems.
Simplified map of the superficial sediments of the Portuguese continental shelf, based on available information of marine charts and various surveys.Preliminary map preparation involved scanning, georeferencing and digitizing of pre-existing base maps from the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute and harmonization with other published and non-published cartographic information. Samples of soft bottom shelf sediments from nearly 500 sites, collected in the scope of the MeshAtlantic, RENSUB and ACOSHELF projects, were analyzed for grain-size and total organic matter.
Map based on available information of marine charts and two surveys. Preliminary map preparation involved scanning, georeferencing and digitizing of pre-existing base map from the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute and harmonization with other published and non-published cartographic information. Samples of soft bottom shelf sediments from nearly 100 sites, collected in the scope of the ACOSHELF project, were analyzed for grain-size, total organic matter and macrofaunal comunities.