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Current Meters in the frame of HERMES project
Sediment Traps in the frame of HERMES project
Particulate matter and particulate organic carbon concentrations (PMC and POC, respectively) in the frame of HERMES project
This data and documents are part of a DVD prepared by Dr. John K. Hall the former Vice Chairman of the IBCM (International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean) contain the scanned charts and scientific papers related to the bathymetry, magnetics, gravity, Plio-Quaternary sediments, Seismicity, and Bottom Sediment maps of the Mediterranean Sea with their explanatory notes. The charts have been prepared in collaboration mainly with OGS, University of Trieste, Institute for Geophysics in Hamburg, the Russian Academy of Science and the Russian Federation under the authority of IOC.
The content of the file package comprises: 1) Postcards in pdf format, regarding the Mediterranean Sea, showing a Tectonic Map, a Marine Magnetic a Anomalies Map, a Sediment Map, a Plio-Quaternary Map, a Seismicity Map and a Bouger Gravity Anomalies Map (see directory wetransfer-253deb); 2) Books: GEOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK of the LEVANT VOLUME I: CYPRUS and SYRIA and VOLUME II: The LEVANTINE BASIN and ISRAEL ( see directory wetransfer-253deb); 3) Digital bathymetric contour and coastline data from the First Edition of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean (IBCM) (see directory wetransfer-c507a2);
This data and documents are part of a DVD prepared by Dr. John K. Hall the former Vice Chairman of the IBCM (International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean) containing some scanned charts, raster cartography and scientific papers related to the bathymetry, magnetics, gravity, Plio-Quaternary sediments, Seismicity, and Bottom Sediment maps of the Mediterranean Sea with their explanatory notes. The charts have been prepared mainly in collaboration with OGS, University of Trieste, Institute for Geophysics in Hamburg, the Russian Academy of Science and the Russian Federation under the authority of IOC.
This data and documents are part of a DVD prepared by Dr. John K. Hall the former Vice Chairman of the IBCM (International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean) containing some scanned charts, raster cartography and scientific papers related to the bathymetry, magnetics, gravity, Plio-Quaternary sediments, Seismicity, and Bottom Sediment maps of the Mediterranean Sea with their explanatory notes. The charts have been prepared mainly in collaboration with OGS, University of Trieste, Institute for Geophysics in Hamburg, the Russian Academy of Science and the Russian Federation under the authority of IOC.
Multibeam bathymetry in order to define the main geohazard feaures in the Galicia Bank region.
CTD data from MEDPOL monitoring programme in Saronikos Gulf
CTD data from HERMES project