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Videoframe of seafloor displaying bedforms affecting sandy deposits in the continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, just downstream of the Strait of Gibraltar: A starved sand ribbon in a rocky area with superimposed smaller regular and asymmetric transverse ripples in centimetres. The sediment composition is mixed (biogenoeus and terrigenous) as is revealed by the different colours; the lighter colours comprise bioclastic debris located lee side of the ripples
Videoframe of seafloor displaying different bedforms affecting sandy deposits in the continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, just downstream of the Strait of Gibraltar. These bedforms are formed by the action of the Mediterranean Outflow Water which produces a complex patterns of bedforms from decametre to centimetre scales on the seafloor and remain poorly understood.
Videoframe of seafloor displaying bedforms affecting sandy deposits in the continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, just downstream of the Strait of Gibraltar: isolated rocky boulder on a gravelly seafloor. The boulder acts as an obstacle to the bottom current, favouring the formation of a longitudinal sandy ribbon superimposed on a small scale and transverse asymmetric ripples. Note the sandy accumulation lee side of the obstacle as well as the two ripple patterns drawing a fishbone feature produced by secondary flows formed on both sides of the boulder. Additionally, note the fast transport and armouring by the MOW toward the ROV
Videoframe of seafloor displaying bedforms affecting sandy deposits in the continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, just downstream of the Strait of Gibraltar: starved sand ribbons with superimposed ripples resting on the rocky surface that are also colonized by sponges. This image highlights obstacle marks formed by sponges.. Note that current direction is responsible for tails, bars and ripples formation and is coincident with suspended sediment transport direction.
Videoframe of seafloor displaying bedforms affecting sandy deposits in the continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, just downstream of the Strait of Gibraltar: lobe domain of a sinuous sandwave crestline with sinuous to rectilinear ripples to the stoss and avalanching events to the lee. The sandwave develops over previously coarser sand and a gravelly seafloor
Videoframe of seafloor displaying bedforms affecting sandy deposits in the continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, just downstream of the Strait of Gibraltar: a boulder indicating scouring by secondary helical flows formed from interaction with the current flow. Scouring creates a moat feature lateral to the sandy accumulation
This profile was recorded during the multibeam bathymetric mapping of the continental slope in the Gulf of Cadiz. This allowed the correct acquisition of multibeam echo sounder data