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    Confidence in kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in the Black Sea, created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium. Values are on a range from 1 (Low confidence) to 3 (High confidence). The confidence assessment considered factors such as: ÔÇó Quality of training data and methods used to construct the model. ÔÇó Temporal resolution. ÔÇó Spatial resolution Detailed information on the confidence assessment in Populus J. et al 2017. EUSeaMap, a European broad-scale seabed habitat map. Ifremer.

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    Kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in the Mediterranean Sea, mean of annual 90th percentile values between 2016 and 2018 -Created using the CMEMS MEDSEA_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_006_013 monthly mean products, postprocessed to evaluate energy at 1m from the seabed 1/24 degree horizontal resolution (about 3.5 km) Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium using E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information..

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    Kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in Macaronesia, mean of annual 90th percentile values between 2016 and 2018 - Created using the CMEMS IBI_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_005_001 daily mean products, postprocessed to evaluate energy at 1m from the seabed. 1/36 degree horizontal resolution Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium.

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    Kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in the Atlantic Sea - Iberian Biscay Ireland, mean of annual 90th percentile values between 2013 and 2018 - Created using the CMEMS IBI_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_005_001 monthly mean products, postprocessed to evaluate energy at 1m from the seabed 1/36 degree horizontal resolution Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium.

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    Confidence in kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in Macaronesia - Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium. The confidence assessment considered factors such as: ÔÇó Quality of training data and methods used to construct the model. ÔÇó Temporal resolution. ÔÇó Spatial resolution Detailed information on the confidence assessment in Populus J. et al 2017. EUSeaMap, a European broad-scale seabed habitat map. Ifremer.

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    Kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in the Black Sea, mean of annual 90th percentile values between 2016 and 2018 - Created using the CMEMS SV03-BS-CMCC-CUR-AN-FC-D product and 2018 EMODnet bathymetry digital elevation model, daily currents postprocessed to evaluate energy values at 1 m from the seabed. 1/36 x 1/27 degree (3 km) horizontal resolution. Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium.

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    Confidence in kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in the Mediterranean. Values are on a range from 1 (Low confidence) to 3 (High confidence). The confidence assessment considered factors such as: ÔÇó Quality of training data and methods used to construct the model. ÔÇó Temporal resolution. ÔÇó Spatial resolution Detailed information on the confidence assessment in Populus J. et al 2017. EUSeaMap, a European broad-scale seabed habitat map. Ifremer.

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    Confidence in the kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in the Channel, Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay - Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium using the MANGA2500 IFREMER-DYNECO Hindcast. Values are on a range from 1 (Low confidence) to 3 (High confidence). The confidence assessment considered factors such as: ÔÇó Quality of training data and methods used to construct the model. ÔÇó Temporal resolution. ÔÇó Spatial resolution Detailed information on the confidence assessment in Populus J. et al 2017. EUSeaMap, a European broad-scale seabed habitat map. Ifremer.

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    90th percentile Kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in the Channel and the Bay of Biscay - Created using the Ifremer hindcast archive MANGA500. For the purpose of EMODnet Seabed Habitat broadscale habitat map product, values were integrated over period 2010-2015. Values are averages of annual percentiles 90th. The spatial resolution of the dataset is 0.0067 decimal degrees (500m). The formula used for the Kinetic Energy calculation is 0.5mv^2, where m is the density of seawater (1027 kg.m-3) and v is the current-induced velocity. Values are expressed in N.m-2 (Newton per square meter). The vertical level is the seafloor. Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium using the MANGA500 IFREMER-DYNECO Hindcast (Caillaud Matthieu, Vasquez Mickael (2016). Manche-Gascogne - 500m - Energie cin├®tique ├á la surface de l'oc├®an.

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    Confidence in 90th percentile kinetic energy due to currents at the seabed in the Channel and the Bay of Biscay - Created by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project consortium using the MANGA500 IFREMER-DYNECO Hindcast (Caillaud Matthieu, Vasquez Mickael (2016). Manche-Gascogne - 500m - Energie cin├®tique ├á la surface de l'oc├®an. Values are on a range from 1 (Low confidence) to 3 (High confidence). The confidence assessment considered factors such as: ÔÇó Quality of training data and methods used to construct the model. ÔÇó Temporal resolution. ÔÇó Spatial resolution Detailed information on the confidence assessment in Populus J. et al 2017. EUSeaMap, a European broad-scale seabed habitat map. Ifremer.