mean sea level
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Scale 1:
The DTM is produced with Kongsberg multibeam echosounder survey, acquired in 2015 by Marine Research Ltd. The resolution is 1/256 arc-minutes (~7.2m). It is located south of Constanta Port, Romania, on the coastal region of the Black Sea. Depths are referenced to the Mean Sea Level and the coordinates are expressed into the WGS84 reference frame.
The DTM is produced with Kongsberg multibeam echosounder survey, acquired in 2015 by Marine Research Ltd. The resolution is 1/256 arc-minutes (~7.2m). It is located north of Mangalia Port, Romania, on the coastal region of the Black Sea. Depths are referenced to the Mean Sea Level and the coordinates are expressed into the WGS84 reference frame.
The DTM is produced with Kongsberg multibeam echosounder survey, acquired in 2015 by Marine Research Ltd. The resolution is 1/256 arc-minutes (~7.2m). It is located in Costinesti, Romania, on the coastal region of the Black Sea. Depths are referenced to the Mean Sea Level and the coordinates are expressed into the WGS84 reference frame.
Measurements were carried out in order to map the geomorphological features in shallow waters (up to 10 m). The results were processed as cross profiles to the shore in order to highlight the annual/multiannual geomorphological changes (National monitoring program). The dataset consists in single-beam profiles interpolated.
Yearly Survey for control of the position of the coastal shoreline