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Mapping of the Natura 2000 site FR5300017 Abers - Cote des legendes was jointly performed in the framework of three different actions: (i) the Natura 2000 convention for Brittany, and (iii) CARTHAM Project. It is based on the interpretation of various types of data from a number of surveys carried out between 2005-2012 both in the intertidal and subtidal zones. Additionally the seabed ┬½ Carte G ┬╗ from the French hydrographic survey (SHOM) was used in the interpretation process. In the tidal zone the identification was made by interpreting coastal ortho-photographs from BD Ortho (2005 et 2009) and digitising them on scale 1 : 2000├¿me with further qualification of the polygons based on ground truth data. A confidence score in the [0-100] scale has been assigned to each polygon (SUM_CONF field) The compilation comprises the following various data sources. Lamarche S., Bajjouk T., 2013. Cartographie des habitats benthiques intertidaux du site Natura 2000 FR 5300017 - Abers - C├┤tes des l├®gendes - Parties estuariennes. R├®f. RST - DYNECO/AG/13-05/TB. Rollet C., Bonnot-Courtois Ch., Hamon N. et Loarer R., 2010. Carte des habitats benthiques intertidaux du secteur des Abers - Zone intertidale (multisource Rebent,) - Echelle : 1/10 000 ErHold et al., (2012, unpublished). Cartographie de natures des fonds subtidaux du secteur des Abers - C├┤tes des l├®gendes. TBM, 2012. Inventaire cartographique des habitats marins du site Natura 2000 Abers C├┤tes des L├®gendes FR5300017. Rapport CRTHAM, 104 p.
Mapping of the Natura 2000 site FR5300017 "Abers - C├┤te des l├®gendes" was jointly performed in the framework of three different actions: (i) the Natura 2000 convention for Brittany, and (iii) CARTHAM Project. It is based on the interpretation of various types of data from a number of surveys carried out between 2005-2012 both in the intertidal and subtidal zones. Additionally the seabed ┬½ Carte G ┬╗ from the French hydrographic survey (SHOM) was used in the interpretation process. In the tidal zone the identification was made by interpreting coastal ortho-photographs from BD Ortho (2005 et 2009) and digitising them on scale 1 : 2000├¿me with further qualification of the polygons based on ground truth data. The compilation comprises the following various data sources. Lamarche S., Bajjouk T., 2013. Cartographie des habitats benthiques intertidaux du site Natura 2000 FR 5300017 - Abers - C├┤tes des l├®gendes - Parties estuariennes. R├®f. RST - DYNECO/AG/13-05/TB. Rollet C., Bonnot-Courtois Ch., Hamon N. et Loarer R., 2010. Carte des habitats benthiques intertidaux du secteur des Abers - Zone intertidale (multisource Rebent,) - Echelle : 1/10 000 ErHold et al., (2012, unpublished). Cartographie de natures des fonds subtidaux du secteur des Abers - C├┤tes des l├®gendes. TBM, 2012. Inventaire cartographique des habitats marins du site Natura 2000 Abers C├┤tes des L├®gendes FR5300017. Rapport CRTHAM, 104 p.
A biotope analysis of Strangford lough was conducted in 2015 as part of efforts to understand the distribution and extent of benthic habitats and associated marine life within this waterbody incorporating new and historical groundtruthing information alongside modern acoustic data. The analysis was conducted on both the main lough and the "Narrows" to the south. This dataset comprises the biotope complex output of the main lough. The map was originally presented in the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain & Ireland ( This has been translated to the EUNIS habitat classification system for integration with other European datasets. For more information, see: AFBI, 2015. Bathymetric and Habitat Map for Strangford Lough (Special Area of Conservation and Marine Conservation Zone), Northern Ireland. Report to the Department of the Environment.
A biotope analysis of Dundrum bay was conducted in 2015 as part of efforts to understand the distribution and extent of benthic habitats and associated marine life within the Murlough special area of conservation incorporating new and historical groundtruthing information alongside modern acoustic data. The map was originally presented in the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain & Ireland ( This has been translated to the EUNIS habitat classification system for integration with other European datasets. For more information, see: AFBI, 2015. Bathymetric and Habitat Map for Murlough Special Area of Conservation and offshore, Northern Ireland. Report to the Department of the Environment.
A biotope analysis of Strangford lough was conducted in 2015 as part of efforts to understand the distribution and extent of benthic habitats and associated marine life within this waterbody incorporating new and historical groundtruthing information alongside modern acoustic data.The analysis was conducted on both the main lough and the "Narrows" to the south. This dataset comprises the biotope complex output of the southern narrows. The map was originally presented in the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain & Ireland ( This has been translated to the EUNIS habitat classification system for integration with other European datasets. For more information, see: AFBI, 2015. Bathymetric and Habitat Map for Strangford Lough (Special Area of Conservation and Marine Conservation Zone), Northern Ireland. Report to the Department of the Environment.
Seabed habitat map (Habitat Directive classification system) performed by IN VIVO within the framework of CARTHAM ("cartographie des habitats marins") project coordinated by the French Biodiversity Agency (Agence fran├ºaise pour la biodiversit├®, AFB). Map confidence rated by Ifremer : 57%
Seabed habitat map (Habitat Directive) performed by IN VIVO within the framework of CARTHAM ("cartographie des habitats marins") project coordinated by the French Biodiversity Agency (Agence fran├ºaise pour la biodiversit├®, AFB). Map confidence rated by Ifremer : 57%
Seabed habitat map (EUNIS classification system) performed by IN VIVO within the framework of CARTHAM ("cartographie des habitats marins") project coordinated by the French Biodiversity Agency (Agence fran├ºaise pour la biodiversit├®, AFB). Map confidence rated by Ifremer : 57%
Seabed habitat map (EUNIS classification system) performed by IN VIVO within the framework of CARTHAM ("cartographie des habitats marins") project coordinated by the French Biodiversity Agency (Agence fran├ºaise pour la biodiversit├®, AFB). Map confidence rated by Ifremer : 57%
Seabed habitat map (Habitat Directive classification system) performed by IN VIVO within the framework of CARTHAM ("cartographie des habitats marins") project coordinated by the French Biodiversity Agency (Agence fran├ºaise pour la biodiversit├®, AFB). Map confidence rated by Ifremer : 57%