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Scale 1:
Poole Rocks rMCZ BSH
Feature class depicting broadscale habitat features at The Padstow Bay and Surrounds MCZ. The map is a result of an integrated analysis of existing MBES full coverage of bathymetry and partial coverage of backscatter data from the Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP) and dedicated ground-truthing survey data, collected in 2013. Habitat classes observed at each ground-truthing station were used to inform a semi-automated process of map production using object-based image analysis (OBIA). The map shows the seabed at the site to be characterised largely by outcropping bedrock (ÔÇÿA3.2 Moderate energy infralittoral rockÔÇÖ and ÔÇÿA4.2 Moderate energy circalittoral rockÔÇÖ), with deposits of ÔÇÿA5.1 Subtidal coarse sedimentÔÇÖ in valleys and crevasses in the rock and flat areas of ÔÇÿA5.2 Subtidal sand ÔÇÿ, mainly closer to shore.
An updated Broadscale habitat (BSH)map was created based on a WGS84 datum. The new BSH map for the site was produced by analysing and interpreting acousticdata(both existing data aquired as part of the Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP)and data newly acquired during a targeted survey), and ground truth data collected by twodedicated surveysof this site(EA survey- SNGN 03/13 and Cefas survey - CEND01/13Y). Four main BSHs were identified, ÔÇ£A4.1Highenergy circalittoral rockÔÇØ,ÔÇ£A4.2 Moderate energy circalittoral rockÔÇØ, "A5.1 Subtidal coarse sediment"and ÔÇ£A5.2 Subtidal sandÔÇØ.The circalittoral rock BSH are mapped as a complex, as it was not possible to delineate the energy regime based on available GIS data layers.
This feature details the findings of a dedicated seabed survey at the Bembridge recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ). The site is being considered for inclusion in a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in UK waters, designed to meet conservation objectives under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.
Updated habitat map resulting from an integrated analysis of the dedicated 2013 survey data for Bristow to Stones rMCZ.
Updated habitat map resulting from an integrated analysis of the 2012 dedicated survey data for Beachy Head East recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ).