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    Atanasovsko Lake is a hypersaline lake which resembles a liman to the north and a lagoon to the south. A considerable part of its surface is used for salt production with preserved primitive salt production methods. It is located north of the city of Burgas, near the sea coast. The lake lies at 1 m below sea level. Small freshwater marshes, together with a system of canals overgrown with marsh vegetation, surround the lake. The fresh water from the catchment area of the lake is collected in a canal during November-April and flows into the sea. The eastern part of this canal also supplies the salt-works w ith seawater from Burgas Bay during May-October. Thus the water in the canal is fresh during the first half of the year and saline during the second half.The northern part of the lake has been a maintained reserve since 1999. The lake was declared a wetland of international significance under the Ramsar Convention in 1984, and the Ramsar site was enlarged in 2003. In 2007, this area was included in the Natura 2000 network under the name of Protected site Atanasovsko ezero in accordance with the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive with a code BG000270 and a territory of 7 208,89 ha.The site is representative as the rarest ecosystem type for Bulgaria (coastal halophytic communities). The priority habitat 1150 * Coastal lagoons covers 20.6 % (1 483,2 ha) of the entire protected area (7 200 ha). This is the largest compact area occupied by this habitat in Bulgaria, highly valuable for its relative area, its representativeness and its importance for nature conservation.The following marine habitats according to Annex I to Directive 92/43EEC have been established: 1150 - Coastal lagoons,1160 - Large shallow inlets and bays, 1310 - Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand, 1410 - Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi), 1530 - Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes, 2110 - Embryonic shifting dunes

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    The Pomorie Lake is a natural hyper-saline lake – a sea coast lagoon, part of which has been converted to salt ponds. Also, it includes salty marshes and reed fields. Together with the Burgas wetlands, the lake forms the largest and most significant conservation complex along the southern Black Sea coastline. The area includes the estuary of the Aheloi River.The total Ramsar site area is 921,5 ha.Protected territory since 2011. In 2002 the lake is proclaimed for a wetland with international importance according to the Ramsar convention. In 1989 the territory is designated as an Important Bird Area and in 2007 it became part of the Natura 2000 network: Protected Site “Pomoriysko ezero” with code BG0000152 according to the Bird Directive and Protected site“Pomorie” with code BG0000620 according to the Habitat Directive.The following natural habitat types of significance for conservation, according to the Biodiversity Act and to the Habitats Directive have been established: 1150 Coastal lagoons; 1160 Large shallow inlets and bays; 1170 Reefs; 1310 Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand; 1530 Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes; 2110 Embryonic shifting dunes; 2120 Pannonic dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes); 92D0 Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae).

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    The predominant habitats are the open water areas and the vast hydrophilic higher plants vegetation covering predominantly the northern part of the lake (Orlovoto Blato Marsh), the southwestern part (Vaklinskya Rakav Branch), as well as the marsh on the southeast. The territory of the Ramsar site is 350 ha, of which 253 ha are open water areas.The following habitats according to Annex I to Directive 92/43EEC have been established: Marine - 1110 Sand Banks, which are slightly covered by sea water all the time; 1160 Large shallow inlets and bays nad Coastal- 1210 Annual vegetation of drift lines, 1410 Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi), 2110 Embryonic shifting dunes, 2120 Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria ('white dunes'), 2130 Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation ('grey dunes')

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    The close location of the site complex Mandra_Poda to the industrial zone of Burgas is the main influencing factor. The former Mandernsko lake is turned into a dam lake with a registered flow. The MandraPoda Complex includes Mandra Lake with its adjacent wetlands.Mandra Lake is located at the Black Sea coast and is the southernmost of the Burgas lakes. Its north-eastern part touches on the town of Burgas. This former semi-saline lake has been turned into a freshwater reservoir. A lagoon, covering the areas of Poda and Uzungeren, has been preserved between the reservoir wall and the Black Sea.The following natural coastal and marine habitat types of significance for conservation, according to the Biodiversity Act and to the Habitats Directive have been established: 1140 Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide ;1150 Coastal lagoons; 1160 Large shallow inlets and bays; 1310 Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand; 1410 Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi)

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    The Shabla complex includes the Shabla Lake and the Shabla Lagoon. The Shabla Lake is a firth brackish lake near the sea coast. The semi-saline Shabla Lagoon is located1.5 km to the southeast of the lake and is separated from the sea by high dunes.The territory of the Ramsar site is 404 ha, of which 150 ha of open water.The lake falls into the boundaries of the Natura 2000 protected sites “Shablenski ezeren komplex” (code BG0000156, according to theBirds Directive) and protected site “Ezero Shabla - Crapetz” (code BG0000621, according to theHabitats Directives).This location provides suitable habitats to 223 species fromthe Biodiversity Act, which are in need of special protectionmeasures.The following habitats according to Annex I to Directive 92/43EEC have been established: Marine - 1110 Sand Banks, which are slightly covered by sea water all the time; : 1150 Coastal lagoons; ; 2110 Embryonic shifting dunes; 2120 Pannonic dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes)