Institute for Coastal Marine Environment IAMC
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Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Mullus barbatusin the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected from available pre-reviewed journal and grey literature concerning nurseries of the Mediterranean demersal fish and shellfish stock, in order to select those cases in which discrete areas of hight, stable and persistant concentration of undersize fish were individuated.For more informations refer to
Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Merluccius merluccius in the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected from available pre-reviewed journal and grey literature concerning nurseries of the Mediterranean demersal fish and shellfish stock, in order to select those cases in which discrete areas of hight, stable and persistant concentration of undersize fish were individuated.For more informations refer to
Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Eledone cirrhosa in the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected from available pre-reviewed journal and grey literature concerning nurseries of the Mediterranean demersal fish and shellfish stock, in order to select those cases in which discrete areas of hight, stable and persistant concentration of undersize fish were individuated.For more informations refer to
Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Parapenaeus longirostris in the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected from available pre-reviewed journal and grey literature concerning nurseries of the Mediterranean demersal fish and shellfish stock, in order to select those cases in which discrete areas of hight, stable and persistant concentration of undersize fish were individuated.For more informations refer to