Read the latest news on EMODnet.
For the first time, EMODnet Chemistry has published an aggregated collection of data on eutrophication and acidity at European level. We spoke to Reiner Schlitzer from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) about this new data product. Involved in the development of the EMODnet Chemistry project since 2009, the AWI is responsible for the maintenance and development of Ocean Data View (ODV), an interactive data analysis and visualisation software. Finally, Schlitzer will talk about EMODnet Chemistry…
EMODnet Biology is built upon the EurOBIS data infrastructure and the work developed over the past 20 years that have massively contributed to not only more data being published but also with technical advances that allowed for various types of data reaching EMODnet’s wider stakeholders.
EMODnet Biology has launched a survey aimed at EU-funded projects working on biodiversity to gather valuable feedback and insights. This information will help the EMODnet Biology consortium plan an online workshop in mid-November. The workshop will provide an overview of EMODnet Biology, the resources available to data providers, and explore how the consortium can support projects in submitting their outputs—particularly data and products for (re)hosting in EMODnet.
Cooperation between EMODnet Data Ingestion and Eurofleets+ for effective data management and open-access data publication
Eurofleets+ is a Horizon 2020 funded initiative aimed at providing open and free-of-charge access to state-of-the-art European research vessels and marine equipment through Transnational Calls. Its objectives include easing access to and management of marine data and enhancing the sustainability of marine research infrastructures.
Upcoming events
EMODnet Biology survey: Assessment of Data Management Practices in EU-Funded Projects