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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Civil Society

EMODnet for all

©Shutterstock - All rights reservedThe democratisation of science and open access to scientific data has a positive knock-on effect on society. For this reason, the activities and achievements of EMODnet need to be closely linked to everyday issues impacting citizens, such as the environment, the conservation of marine living resources, public investment, new services and job creation. This will help shape a more informed civil society, ultimately leading to an improved social structure and better governance.

EMODnet currently supports civil society by:

  • Providing access to data and data products normally only available at significant cost, or through channels that are inaccessible. Click here to access the EMODnet data portals;
  • Improving the sense of ownership and responsibility for the local and regional marine environment via the EMODnet use cases which support real-life challenges;
  • Organising citizen science campaigns where citizens can share relevant data and receive support from EMODnet in data management. Data and data products can be submitted to the free-of-charge EMODnet Data Ingestion Portal. Submit now!