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    Information on Ireland's harbour seal population from survey conducted along the coastline of the Republic of Ireland during the species' annual moult in August 2003.

  • This data describes the distribution of sea cliffs identified in the EU Directive on the Conservation of Habitats, Flora and Fauna, also known as the Habitats Directive. The data is presented in the Habitats Directive Article 17 2019 report called The Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland, available here

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    This file shows the distribution of Annex 1 habitats - reefs and coastal lagoons - in Inisheer Island SAC. Habitat mapping is used to help define the area and range parameters for conservation objectives. Site-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats at a site level.

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    This file shows the distribution of Annex 1 habitats - large shallow inlets and bays, and reefs - in the Lough Hyne SAC. Habitat mapping is used to help define the area and range parameters for conservation objectives. Site-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats at a site level.

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    This file shows the distribution of Annex 1 habitats - reefs, coastal lagoons and large shallow inlets and bays - in the Rutland Island SAC. Habitat mapping is used to help define the area and range parameters for conservation objectives. Site-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats at a site level.

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    This file shows the distribution of Annex 1 habitats - reefs and coastal lagoons - in Inishmore Island SAC. Habitat mapping is used to help define the area and range parameters for conservation objectives. Site-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats at a site level.

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    This file shows the distribution of Annex 1 habitats - large shallow inlets and bays, and reefs - in the Magharee Islands SAC. Habitat mapping is used to help define the area and range parameters for conservation objectives. Site-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats at a site level.

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    This file shows the distribution of the Annex 1 habitat mudflats and sandflats not covered by sea water at low tide in the Barleycove SAC. Habitat mapping is used to help define the area and range parameters for conservation objectives. Site-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats at a site level.

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    This file shows the distribution of Annex 1 habitats- large shallow inlets and bays, and reefs- in the Mulroy Bay SAC. Habitat mapping is used to help define the area and range parameters for conservation objectives. Site-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats at a site level.

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    This file shows the distribution of Annex 1 habitats- large shallow inlets and bays, and reefs- in the Kilkee Reefs SAC. Habitat mapping is used to help define the area and range parameters for conservation objectives. Site-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats at a site level.