Southern North Sea
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A Natural England commissoined verification survey of intertidal sediments within the Thanet Coast rMCZ. Phase I Biotope mapping was carried out across the rMCZ for broad scale habitats. The data was used to produce a EUNIS Level 3 boradscale habitat map of the Thanet Coast rMCZ.
Folkestone Pomerania rMCZ verification survey conducted by CEFAS on behalf of DEFRA. The purpose of the study was to produce an updated Habitat map to inform on the presence of Broad Scale Habitats, Habitat FOCI and estimate spatial extent within the rMCZ, as well as providing evidence of the presence of Species FOCI. The study comprised of acoustic data acquisition and interpretation followed by groundtruthing. Groundtruthing was conducted using a Hamon Grab and Underwater Video and Stills camera.
Outputs produced as part of the Outer Thames Estuary Regional Environmental Characterisation on behalf of the Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund. Data available to download from
Outputs produced as part of the Outer Thames Estuary Regional Environmental Characterisation on behalf of the Marine Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund. Data available to download from
This map was produced as part of the site selection process for the Greater Thames Estuary AoS. It aimed to characterise the habitat features of the AoS, and to identify the areas of Annex I habitat present. Original classification system: Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Survey Techniques: Sidescan sonars, Towed video, grabs and acoustic ground discrimination systems (AGDS) were used to determine the biotope
Ecological survey to provide site specific information for three potential, alternative development areas within the Greater Wash (Offshore Power).
Video survey to record seabed type for Greater Dowsing wind farm development area (Offshore Power).
CD-ROM covering the ROV underwater video survey of the Saturn pipeline sabellaria survey undertaken by Subsea 7 for Conocophillips in June 2003. The CD-ROM is in HTML format and contains some video footage, and a selection of stills (captured from the video). All video footage and stills are geo-referenced. The CD-ROM also contains a "Ross worm non-technical report" by BMT Cordah which outlines the extent of Saturn reef area.