
Species distribution

42 record(s)
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    Phytobenthos community data, a large portion of the data held are monitoring data submitted for the OSPAR CEMP and HELCOM COMBINE monitoring programmes and therefore follow specific monitoring programme guidelines.

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    "Intertidal species, effort based search undertaken by students (16+) and volunteer groups with support from an ecologist. During the twenty minute timed species search surveyors look for 22 species, 4 non native and 18 climate change indicator species within 1 of 3 habitats rockpools; boulders, crevices and overhangs; or open rock. Abundance is recorded using a simplified version of SACFORN. "

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    This dataset consists of casual observations reported by members of the public.

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    A detailed distribution of true crabs (Brachyura) in the North-East Atlantic.

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    The Beam Trawl Survey dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species in ICES statical rectangles.

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    Records collected voluntarily and uploaded via indicia based web recording sites including iSpot, Irecord, Marine Sightings Network and Sealife Survey. iSpot records are recorded by members of the public wishing to have identifications confirmed and records from iRecord and the MBA Recording scheme are reported sightings from a wide range of recorders.

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    Occasional sighting of marine species recorded by academics, professionals or expert amateur naturalists.

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    The dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species collected by the French Channel Groundfish Trawl Survey.

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    <p>The KPLANK database includes phytoplankton data from 1963 to present, covering the Finnish coastal areas and offshore areas of the Baltic Sea. The quantitative data mainly stem from the Finnish national monitoring program and statutory monitoring programs. The database contains approximately 240 000 quantitative records including size classes. In this dataset results are provided per taxon, i.e. size classes are not included. The data available through EMODnet should not be used as is for phytoplankton community analyses, as the dataset only includes taxonomic units with a valid AphiaID. Practical identification units, which are not strict taxonomical units and therefore lack an AphiaID, include e.g. the very common spring bloom dinoflagellates collectively termed the Scrippsiella complex and unidentified single nano-sized coccoid cells (i.e. cells lacking flagella). For phytoplankton community analyses it is needed to contact the data provider. All original data from KPLANK database, including all taxonomic units and size class data are available from the data provider upon request. The database is regularly maintained and data is added continuously.</p>

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    <p>The dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species collected during the Scottish Rockall Survey. This is a new survey from 2011, replacing historical ROCKALL survey in DATRAS.</p>